[Suggestion] Rogue rework

I all, I come to propose my ideas concerning the Assassination spec and the class tree.


  • [Wound poison] no longer stacks to have the effective percentage.
  • [Sap] is from baseline.
  • [Sprint] a 1min cooldown from baseline
  • [Kidney shot] no longer needs Xsec hard combo points and has Xsec cooldown and goes off GCD.
  • Review PvP talents.


1_1 [Evasion]
1_2 [Blind]
1_3 [Cloak of shadows]

2_1 [Numbing poison]/[Atrophic poison]
2_2 [Elusiveness]/[Cheat Death]
2_3 [Master Assassin]/[Overkill]: [Overkill]: While stealthed and for Xsec after stealth ends, you regenerate X% additional energy.

3_1 [Shiv]
3_2 [Trick of the trade]
3_3 [Nimble fingers]
3_4 [Gouge]
3_5 [Rushed setup]
3_6 [Shadowsteps]
3_7 [Smoke Bomb]: Instant 3 min cooldown
Creates a thick cloud of smoke in an 8 yard radius around the thief for 5 sec. Enemies cannot target from the smoke cloud or inside it.

4_1 [Improved Shiv]: Kriss also cancels a magic effect on the target.
4_2 [Fleet footed]
4_3 [Iron Stomach]
4_4 [Acrobatic strike]
4_5 [Prey on the weak]
4_6 [Unbreakable Stride]
4_7 [Improved Smoke Bomb]: Increases the duration of Smoke Bomb by 1s.

5_1 [Relentless Strike]
5_2 [Deadened nerves]
5_3 [Vigor]/[Deeper stratagem]
5_4 [YYY]: Magic damage taken reduced by 3%.
5_5 [Premeditation]: 30m range
Instant 20 sec cooldown
Requires Stealth
When used, this technique adds 2 combo points to the target. You must add to these combo points or use them before 20 sec otherwise the combo points are lost.

6_1 [Elaborate planing x2]: Your finishing moves increase the damage you inflict by X% for X seconds.
6_2 [Armor, stamina improved x2]: Increases your armor and stamina by X%.
6_3 [Nightstalker x2]: When the Camouflage or Shadow Dance technique is active, you move X% faster and your techniques deal X% more damage.

7_1 [Virulent Poison]
7_2 [Cut to the chase]: Envenom/Dispatch/Eviscerate extends the duration of Cut to the chase by a maximum of 3s per combo point spent.
7_3 [Initiative]: Cheap shot and Ambush generate 1 additional combo point.

8_1 [Leeching poison]
8_2 [Lethality x2]
8_3 [Recuperator]
8_4 [Alacrity x2]: Haste increased by 1%. Attack speed increased by X%.
8_5 [Soothing darkness]

9_1: [Deadly precision x2]
9_2: [Seal fate]
9_3: [Shadow of the Destroyer]: Your melee attacks have a chance to grant you Shadows of the Destroyer, increasing your Y stat by X. Stacking up to X times.
9_4: [Ruthlessness]: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to grant you a combo point.
9_5: [Find weakness x2]

10_1 [YYY]: 1 min cooldown. Instantly generates 5 combo points and increases your critical strike chance by 100% with your next damaging technique whose damage is increased by X%.
10_2 [Fury of the Destroyer]: Each application of Shadow of the Destroyer above X grants an increasing chance to trigger Fury of the Destroyer. When triggered, this immediately grants 5 combo points and causes your finishing moves to generate 5 combo points. Lasts 6 sec.
10_3 [Shadow Dance]

  • [PS: Addition of path from 6_1 to 7_2 and from 6_3 to 7_2]


  • Specialization has 100 base energy.

1_1 [Deadly Poison]

2_1 [Improved poisons]
2_2 [Assassin’s Resolve]: Your maximum energy is increased by 20. Damage of your melee attacks inflicted increased by 20%.
(For those who want to know where it comes from and the why and how to today http://talents.ice-wow.eu/eng/?RG [Assassin’s resolve] because nowadays this passive is invisible but existing, hence our +20nrj)
2_3 [Venomous Wounds]

3_1 [Master Poisoner]
3_2 [Fatal Concoction x2]
3_3 [Thrown precision x2]
3_4 [Bloody mess x2]
3_5 [Shadowsteps]

4_1 [Niya’s Tools: Poison]: Your interrupts have a chance to inoculate the target with Niya’s Paralyzing Poison, inflicting X Nature damage over X seconds. In the event of an additional interruption, the poisoned targets suffer X points of Nature damage more.
4_2 [Rupturing spike]: Ambush applies a 5 combo point Rupture when used while Stealthed or for 3 seconds after Stealth expires.
4_3 [Echoing Blades]: For each of the first 5 critical hits of Fan of Knives, a second salvo is launched at this location and inflicts X damage points on enemies within 8 meters. This second salvo always inflicts critical hits.
4_4 [Shrouded suffocation]
4_5 [Intent to kill]

5_1 [Dirty tricks]: Your Sap, Blind and Gouge no longer break due to damage over time.
5_2 [Venom rush]: Your Ambush, Mutilate and Fan of Knives techniques restore 7 energy points when used against a poisoned target.
5_3 [Deathmark]: Instant 2 min cooldown
Places a lethal mark on an opposing target, inflicting X Bleed damage over 16 sec. While the target is marked, your Garrote, Rupture, and Lethal Poisons abilities applied to it are duplicated, deal 100% normal damage, and the mark and rogue’s bleeds and poisons cannot be dispelled.
5_4 [Surge of toxins]: Finishing blows increase the poison damage you deal to the target by 10% for 5 sec.
5_5 [Ironwire]

6_1 [Systemic failure]
6_2 [Vicious venoms x2]
6_3 [Lethal Dose x2]
6_4 [Crimson Tempest]

7_1 [Doomblade]: Mutilate and Ambush deals 20% additional bleeding damage over 8s.
7_2 [Duskwalker’s patch]: Reduces Deathmark’s remaining cooldown by 1s each time you spend 30 Energy.
7_3 [Indiscriminate Carnage]: Has a 20sec cooldown.
7_4 [Rupture and Garrote improved]: Rupture et Garrote affects an additional opponent within 8m.

8_1 [Blindside]
8_2 [Twist the knife]: Envenom damage is increased by X%. Envenom’s duration is increased by Xsec.
8_3 [Red Ink]: Your deadly poison now applies Red Ink, increasing the damage dealt to the target by your poisons and bleed effects by X%. The victim suffers X points of Nature damage in Xsec.
8_4 [Blood of the Assassinated]: Rupture has a chance to infect your target and inflict X% additional damage for X sec.
8_5 [Serrated Bone Spike]: Energy: 15 30m range
Instant 30 sec cooldown
3 Loads
Requires Rogues
Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon
You implant a bone spike into the target and an additional nearby enemy that takes X Physical damage and X Bleed damage every 3 sec until they die or leave combat.
Restores 1 charge when the target dies.
Grants 1 combo point plus 1 additional point per active Bone Spike.

9_1 [Dashing scoundrel x3]: Envenom also increases the critical hit chance of your poisons by X%, and their critical hits generate X energy points.
9_2 [Zoldyck Recipe x2]: Your poisons and bleeds inflict X% additional damage to targets with less than 35% of their health points.
9_3 [Improved Rupture x3]: Rupture deals its damage X% faster. (Duration not changed.)

10_1 [Kingsbane]
10_2 [Dragon-Tempered blades]
10_3 [Exsanguinate]: Energy: 25 1 min cooldown
Returns your blades to the target’s already open wounds, increasing the speed of bleeding effects by X%.

Here’s what I’d like to see for our revamp.

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