[Suggestion] Warmode on = Can't use flight mounts

Once flying is available, it’s available. If you don’t have it, then tough luck. Use the net and bring them down to your level.

Depending on how high they are, it’s as likely to straight up kill them as it is to injure them. Either way, the advantage is now yours, enjoy.


As others have pointed out there is an item to counter flying in Warmode. I suggest you make space in your bags and add a shortcut to use it on your ui :wink:


Exactly. People seem to think they’re just sitting ducks when they’re grounded, which they kinda are. If said duck has a sniper rifle. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The Net-o-Matic 5000 is going to be so much fun. There are bound to be some areas with heavy traffic and people are just gonna sit on a branch and shoot people down. It’s going to be glorious.


Yeah, once I remove mine from my pocket, I cannot replace it until someone dies from fall damage.

/pats pocket.

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I’ll be keeping one finger on Slow Fall at all times.

Just fly up and away from the target and you can easily escape Net-o-matic.

I hate flying too, but if it was disabled in WM, almost nobody would turn it on…

Laughs in DH

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That would completely kill off war mode. Who would even bother turning it on?

Just be in range and shoot off a concussive shot, and the net cannon will be in range every time.

If they try to fly away they will just fall down and die or have 10% hp left, so u can get them ez kills. :sunglasses:

I have net key bound, looking forward hehe. Some will avoid my net, looks at commenter above. But 95% of players don’t know they can be netted. Love to watch them fall hehe.

They should bring the old DHK (dishonorable kill) system back and make you lose honor if you kill a gray target player.

I swear I looted a different one during Legion and never this one. There was 1 in Highmountain? Alas never used it so yeah name is gone.

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That will kill WM basically

Who’s going to turn down the convenience of being able to fly everywhere in BfA over WPvP?

Not a good idea as others pointed out. I think Blizz should simply make flying available for previous expansion, but you should not be able to fly in current one, nevertheless I might understand why people disagree with this concept.

Well with the net-o-matic available, getting people off their flying mounts is rather viable. Would be nice not to write off 70% of the map as people just hop between WQs…

I’d add something about alerting players of nearby flying players and highlighting them in the sky. Still would require you to find the highlighted player in the sky and target them yourself.

Could also have a flight-lockout for 15-30 seconds when leaving combat (only 5-10 seconds after PvE only combat) that could stop some of the more annoying players.

Could bring back dishonourable kills. Losing honour, conquest or any PvP currency?

The spy addon will do this for ya, click name in nearby enemies list to select them. Works pretty good, if you don’t mind addons like this.

There was another one just off the coast of the broken shore.

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