[Suggestion] World Buffs & Raid Affixes

I came with a suggestion, but I don’t expect any Blizzard #developer to read this and … well, give it a try, who knows.

Anyway here it is …

World Buffs (WB) list

Faction World Buff Soloable Repeteable
Both Rallying Cry of the Drangonslayer No No
Horde Warchief’s Blessing No No
Alliance Might of Stormwind No No
Both Spirit of Zandalar No Yes
Both Syage’s Dark Fortunes Yes Yes
Both Dire Maul’s tribute buffs No (*) Yes
Both Sonflower Serenade Yes Yes
Both Felwood consumables Yes Yes
Both Blasted Lands consumables Yes Yes
Both Winterspring consumables Yes Yes


Some players do not have time to raise multiple alters due to several reasons, therefore once they finish the quest related with the non-repeatable world buffs they are no longer valid (in terms of community) to deploy a new WB.

Also, with targets of 20m raid sizes is extreamely easy to perform a round-robin all over the guildmates and eventually end in a situation where some guilds do not have valid members in order to deliver new WB.

And in addition, many many players deliver WB quests without taking in account community/server needs and do not notice anyone, so sometimes you end in situations where no WBs are dropped in several days or in the other hand the same WB is dropped several times in a row.

Suggested Solution

Make world buffs selectable on raid lockout save, but adding affixes as penalty.

For example, on entering MC (Molten Core), as RL (Raid Leader) I can pick-up from a new NPC in there the WBs I want the raid to have, the more WB I do select, the more affixes I got for that save.

Each WB may have an specific affix, for example:

  • Rallying Cry of the Drangonslayer will affix MC mobs and bosses to have an additional 10% of health pool.

We can exclude soloable WBs and only have the chance to select those that are dropped from a quest (dragonslayer’s, warchief’s, mow and soz).

Players who hadn’t finished the quest yet won’t receive the buff.

And once raid lockout refreshes, all WB and affixes are reset too.

What is solved …

  • Guild/pugs will determine the difficult of the raid based on WBs selection and maybe additional extra modes.
  • No need to alter quests in order to make them repeatable.
  • No need to level up extra alters just to “farm” WBs.

What do you think?

I mean the idea in itself is somewhat decent, you get some buffs but you also get some negative sides. Could be fun to see, not gonna lie.

But at this point i dont think blizz is gonna put much effort into that kinda thing. I would much rather just ask for the “tbc treatment” at this point. World buffs not usable inside raid instances.


add substitute item that functions like rend head and ony head (not the actual heads though because people would ninja them just to drop the buff which would be ultra grief) that can be picked up once a month or even every 3 month or smth…

problem solved.

Or make it exchangeable with any kind of coin …

On US forum there is a (imho) good suggestion going on.

Add the full world buff scrolls that exist on the ptr to live realms and make them buyable for undermine coins.
Weekly limit is two. First per week for 15 coins, and second for 30 or so.
This keeps dungeons alive and makes WB collecting less struggle.


A coin that has to be farmed? In the end nothing changes then, i still have to farm for world buffs, one way or the other.

If i understand correctly, you’d need 45 coins for 2 world buffs?

This depends on how many coins drops from each boss. But if its like the current coin (1 per boss), having to kill 45 bosses is gonna feel like a chore imo. Its not that 45 coins is that many, but doing it week in and week out for weeks is gonna be painful:P

This is ofc only speculating at this point, since i dont know yet what will happen.

It will make a “meta” where certain dungeons will be run the most (strat/scholo for instance). I see very few DM runs (except tribute for buffs)

Remove all those buffs and balance classes vs raids properly.

I don’t see any value in those world buffs or how they are supposed increase the fun (main reason to play this game). Most people just pay for a port to Feralas / Darkmoon Fair, then pay 10g to a dude who did a DM Tribute Run to get the buffs by mindlessly running from boss to boss in the instance that was cleared by someone else, then port back to IF/SW. That’s a 15-minute useless waste of lifetime and gold (which probably ends up with gold sellers who I suspect operate those port spam schemes).

If it was actually fun to get those buffs and/or they were truly needed to clear content at a high level (imagine M+ content) - then I would understand their purpose. However, the raids are too easy to need them and they only make sense for some parse nerds who treat the game like some fancy calculator instead of playing because of lore or actual fun.

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then don’t get them and go have fun without them.
gl getting a raid spot though.

so is your point that its mindless and easy?
then whats the problem?
go get them you lazy slack.

May I say that I’m not fun at all of WBs, and should only apply to players in the 1-59 level range, excluding all 60s and its use in raids.

WBs hunt is an old issue non-solved because … well, comunity lacks.

If you want to play 100%-free WBs you are forced to find players with the exactly the same idea, which is hard or almost imposible nowadays. In the general case WBs are required to join any pug, no matter the difficulty of the raid itself, because WBs solves the issue with “bad” players: just a few players buffed are able to carry all those “noobs” that don’t have a 99 parse (irony).

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45 coins for 2x full world buffed, like the PTR WB Scroll with all 6+ buffs.
So it is 45 coins for 12+ buffs.

Ah, then i misunderstood. Thought 45 coins for TWO world buffs, as in rend and ony head for instance.

Then its abit more manageable ill admit.

So part of the suggestion has been acomplished in the new patch:

  • Players who have completed the appropriate quests related to looting the Head of Onyxia, Heart of Hakkar, or the quests involving killing Rend Blackhand will now be able to hand in a repeatable quest once a month to re-trigger these world buff effects. These new quests grant no rewards and confer no other benefits other than triggering the world buff event on your realm.

Source: Season of Discovery Phase 5 Patch Notes - Version 1.15.4

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Why would you even lie about that ??