Suggestion/Request : Increasing the diversity of mount use in the game world via more options[aesthetics, mechanics, logistics]

Would the team be interested in investigating some ways or means to increasing the breadth of mounts that would be of interest or use by players on the day to day?

Currently some mounts go unused for variety of reasons.
Using the standard non “swift” racial based mounts as an example ; I suspect those reasons might be

Graphic, model, animation or aesthetics
Some persons do not enjoy the “swift” epic racial mounts and would rather the look of the non “swift” because they have no or different

  • armor
  • color/color patterns


  • They are slower than the epic versions


  • They are gated behind reputation wall for non related races (Wolves - Orcs, Horses- Undead etc.)
    Whether they are common or swift epic, the current requirement in order to use other racial mounts is unnecessarily high for the style and theme of this version of Warcraft which seemingly has become more relaxed in many ways, under the banner of “discovery.”

What we would in effect be seeking is that all(or at least the standard racial) mounts are

  • 1 able to be ridden at 100% speed
    maybe they change it that riding sill determines speed
  • 2 able to be ridden by any race
    This is less of interest as the first part, though might combine with the above to further increase diversity to the world seeing more uncommon mount/race combinations

Of note, Blizzard did attempt something similar to number 1 above previously in Vanilla, by having a quest where you could ‘trade-in’ your “swift” armored mounts and exchange them. The exchanged version would have the graphics of the basic mounts while you retain the swift speed and mechanics
Examples :
Horn of the Arctic Wolf - Item - Classic World of Warcraft
Horn of the Red Wolf - Item - Classic World of Warcraft

This was a limited time thing ; I had half expected and hoped Blizzard would have included this quest[s] in Discovery, or at least - as suggested above- looked at the current mount system and in spirit of Discovery, implemented ways to effectively give persons more options

Possibly something for season 2…

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If we talk mounts i realy would like to see that every class gets their own epic mount.
all should involve a class quest line as warlocks and paladins have.I do a few examples: Rogues have to steal a few different items that they have to give Ravenholdt, Hunters should after a few quests be able to tame their own mount, mages should find some scrolls and items to lern to make their own mount. Druids should be able to transform in to their own epic version after a questline like they can whit their flying form.
This way every onne can get their own epic mount and the rest should be as many do just collect.