Suggestions for Horrific Visions

It would be really cool if there was more clarification on visions and how the ilvl drop in them.

The first time in the week is clear, but the subsequent ones are unclear.

Heres an example.

I did 5 masks first time of the week > 470 ilvl
I did 5 masks second time of the week > 455 ilvl
I did 5 masks third time of the week > 460 ilvl

Meanwhile my friends are saying subsequent five mask clears should reward 465 gear?

Is there something in the visions that triggers an ilvl increase?
Is the ilvl randomized ?

Doing 4 the subsequent 4 mask run gave me 460 gear, I think it’s kinda lame that it rewards the same ilvl as a 5 mask full clear, especially since the difficulty jump from 4 mask to 5 mask is really high.

Also while I suggested this in another thread I’ll resuggust it here.

Please add more masks, we are still at the start of the patch and people are full clearing 5 masks, there are many more upgrades to come and each one multipliers our strength by a lot, at some point doing 5 masks will be for nothing other farming corrupted mementos and the effort vs reward would be way too little.

My suggestion is add 5 more masks for a total of 11 masks, ending at 485 ilvl once per week with 11 masks being insanely hard.

It should be something like this

6th mask = guaranteed socket
7th mask = guaranteed corruption
8th mask = guaranteed tertiary stat
9th mask = 475 ilvl
10th mask = 480 ilvl
11th mask = 485 ilvl

The 11th mask should be a huge game changer, an insane requirement and something only the the best would be able to do.

If that happened then it is time to send in a bug report. There IS a clear loot list based on full clears and amount of masks, and based on loot you already received in that week-reset.

Let me get on record here - if nowhere else, before Blizzard gets any ideas going into Shadowlands that all is hanky-dory with those of us still sticking around. I absolutely DETEST this [horrific vision] content with every fiber of my being. It’s mandatory - It’s timed - and it’s extremely unfriendly to select classes/specs and not to others, especially healers (I don’t like being a burden to anyone taking me along) - it’s messy - it lacks coherence - it is dependent on abilities some just don’t have (like… interrupts or the ability to do damage at range or solid AoE), and it seems dependent on finding the right youtube guide before even trying, because trying is not learning, just trying is failing. It represents everything I hate about WoW!
Couldn’t you just leave one little thing to me that I could still bore to death!!


Having to do multiple runs for the upgrades is proving a little on the tedious side. At least next week is the last time we will need to do multiple runs.

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