Suggestions for Horrific Visions

But you cannot get gear and experience if you are denied entry because you are not overqualified enough for their standards.

There are a lot of welcoming M+ communities who take you immediately and also want to learn you stuff, using voice and everything. Next to guilds of course :slight_smile:

I will keep the part about these welcoming M+ communities in mind.
I thought I only had a choice between an elitist PuG that sees only R. io scores and the chance that enough people in the guild want to do M+ at the same time.

ths is the reason why blizzard and World of Warcraft is dying… because the devs are listening to the most noobs players out there
get good or change game holy fk, people like you triggers me so much i would love to slap you right in the face

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another reason why the game is dying… why tk u play an MMO rpg if you dont like to party up?
i swear your kind is the worst for this game.

HV difficult? WHAT?! for upgrading your cloack you literally had, for the first 5 lvl, to enter, to rush to the boss, delete him and get out, this took like 3 min.

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There is nothing wrong with doing a lot solo in an MMO. It just means there are a lot other players also that you see while you play. Everyone is searching their fun in this game. Some like to collect mounts, or pets, or toys, others like to raid or do M+. It is a big game with a lot of different people. Play and let play :slight_smile:


i just totally hate people who ask to make content easier. Have you ever heard about SEKIRO and all that sh*tstorm made by noobs that was asking the devs to make it easier “BeCaUsE EvErYoNe ShOuLd Be AbLe To PlAy ThE GaMe”!? There is a reason why a person clean the MC Donald bathroom and one is the owner of Amazon. there are differen QI levels, there are different learning-curve. if you sucks you just cry on yourself and let others play and enjoy what is too hard for you.

HV are NOT a must-do content, expecially for someone who do random low-tier stuffs like LFG raids.
first 5 lvl of cloack are a jokes, evne after this you have so much corruption resistance that you can easily go on leveling it up.
and personally, if you dont like to be challenged, you are just a bad person, with a weak mindset, weak personality and weak self esteem.
Like those who wants to get max score on exams but skipping the study part… wake and grow up.

Sure, but it has nothing to do with wanting to group up or not in an MMO.

And this was for a good amount of specs not as easy as you claim.

maybe for a fresh 120 lvl with no gear at all. and i would love to read your list of specs that had problems… maybe healers, who can still easily do it by swapping to a DPS specs and hit 3-4 spells lol
and again, if you are so bad to struggle doing this type of content, just skip it… keep your cloack at rank1 wich is still fine talking bout ilvl, cleanse every corrupted item and dont bother by asking for nerfs.

I heard that in Jim Sterling’s “whiney entitled gamer” voice.

A little bit elitist methinks? So much to unpack here I don’t know where to start.

So anyone who does not enjoy facing difficult tasks is weak. Gotcha.

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exactly. and anyway you can skip them most of the time, like if you cant handle the pressure of begin the CEO of amazon you can just go clean the MCdonald bathroom :wink:
if you dont like hard stuffs just go do some WQ, normal dungeon and random bgs lol

i already smells communism coming out from your keyboard…

Well, I am a healer and I never specced to dps. I don’t have a weapon for it or other gear. I play everthing in my healing spec :thinking:

And don’t forget not everyone was mythic raid geared. There were a good amount of dps specs having trouble on ~430.

looking at your char profile, you dont do arena, m+ and not even LFG-raids
so i wander, what do you do as a healer? random bgs and normal/hc dungeons? well, at this point you totally do not need the cloack upgrades.
so, skip what you dont like, you are luky enought to be able to do so instead of crying for no reason

Not that my arguments changes with or without my highest M+ char; but…

Maybe it was also not crying. Just seeing difficulties for others. I was high geared at start of this season. I don’t post or vote with ME ME ME ME in mind.

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well, now i wonder whats the problem to make a party and run HV exactly like you would do with M+?
im totally missing your point…

  1. people who had low ilvl are those who doesnt need the cloack to be capped in order to do theyr low-tier content (and for those who had low geard alts or fresh 120, just go grab some gear THEN cap the cloack)

  2. specs who struggle at doing it solo can just change spec or make a group.

  3. if you dont like it, dont do it. stop cry and ask for nerfs.

My sanity went away when i had boss on 2%, all bonus down :smiley:

It is not about me. It is not about crying. I do see the problem for new(er) players and players who don’t do higher content. They also should be able to do it. The cloak is the main feature of this tier. I don’t want to let players out for being just 430 in previous season and not a DH.

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Have to disagree. Been doing solo as a blood DK and almost managed 2 bosses in the corrupted areas in one run the other day. It’s hard but doable.

Bruh, keeping your cloak max level has been dead easy if that’s your only goal. It’s literally kill two bosses, takes half an hour tops.

And it’s people like you who are the actual problem. :man_shrugging: