Suggestions for Horrific Visions

yet i analized your toughts about HV and told whats totally wrong with your attitude… you just limit yourself at sayng “No YoU ArE ThE PrOBlEm” but you dont even know why hahaha

the cloack is the main feature? are you serious? LoL
its a side feature, usefull for those who want to maximize theyr gear and love to do challenging stuffs

again, if you dont like to do hard content, just skip HV and stop cry about it.

you can easily get the rank1 cloack, GET SOME BETTER GEAR then think about upgrading it. plus, every dps does not struggle to do HV, neither do tanks, the problem are healers (exception made for Disci)

I just totally hate people who ask to make content harder.

See how that works?
Why are YOU the one here who is right and not me? Mmmh?

Hah, don’t start with that nonsense. I belong to a 0.2555 percentile when it comes to my IQ. :blush:

There is NOTHING wrong with my attitude.
Your judgement of my attitude is what’s wrong here buddy.

I play to have fun. Everyone gets their fun in different ways and yours is not any better or more important than mine.

The game should always have different options and that’s the problem at the moment. We’re all getting forced into this one single piece of content that’s tuned in one specific way. That just won’t do.


you get it now? :joy:
what make you think they force you to do HV? lets see…

Actually, it’s quite the opposite. The hardcore players are always a minority in games, the majority of people don’t plan their lives around a computer game. When things start to be tailored to hardcore audience only, it is certain that the game will fail, the real question is when.
The process might be slower for WoW since many have invested many years on it but it will happen if it goes on like this.


im aware of what you said and thats why i said the games sucks because they listen to “noob”
i didnt sayd “they have to listen to rank1 players!”

there is a big difference between noobs, avg player, good players and rank1

It’s content meant for the entire playerbase.
Of course you’re not literally forced. Nothing in this game is forced. You can choose not to play. :crazy_face:

But this is an mmorpg. One of the pillars of an mmorpg is getting upgrades. That is FUN. To get those upgrades, I NEED to do HVs.
In fact I now feel forced to do battlegrounds even though I don’t like them. Because they drop Shred of Insanity and I can’t farm those in any other viable way through the content I like to do. Yeah, not forced literally, but it kind of IS.

Actually, there is not. No matter what your skill level, you are expected to pay the same for your monthly access, it’s only fair that everyone gets content they enjoy or they can progress in it. Noone is obliged to sponsor a game that leaves them excluded. And more and more have stopped doing it in BfA in case you didn’t notice.

World boss and Normal raid boss will grant one Shred of Insanity per weekly kill
Heroic raid boss is 10 Shred of Insanity per weekly kill and Mythic raid boss 20 Shred of Insanity
Arenas and Batlegrounds has a % to come Shred of Insanity as reward after a win.
World PvP - Low chance from a Honorable Kill.

you dont even know what you are talking about hahaha

you claim this but then you dont push any content to get those upgrades? so you basically telling me that you would like to have the same gear of a rank1 player while doing low-tier stuffs… im out of this bs nosense hahaha

you Buy sekiro but if you sucks at games you cant even beat the first boss… this is how EVERYTHIGN in the universe works…
major effort/personal skill -> better results
the game is big, it give you different type of contents and feature to do what you like… so, do what you like and stop bothering

… You can’t read, can you?
I’ll quote the relevant part:

I don’t run raids. I don’t like looking for a group for ages. I don’t like being judged by fellow players on what gear I have or what achievements I unlocked. I don’t like to run content on other people’s schedules. I only do LFR. And heyyyyy the shreds don’t drop there! Well, what do you know… I DO know what I’m talking about.

hahaha. :expressionless:

Yes. I enjoy certain content and I want to do THAT content. Weird huh… Wanting to have fun in a game…

What exactly is a ‘rank1’ player, please enlighten me oh you mighty player who knows all.

You’re an elitist piece of dung. You think you’re better than others because you like different content. Newsflash: you’re not.


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I am surprised you can’t see the difference between a single player action rpg and wow. Sekiro is not an MMO which means it doesn’t require a specific number of players to remain healthy, even if noone is playing it , it won’t affect you at all.

told ya i’m out of you bs after you basically said that you want to do low-tier content but getting top-tier rewards. most disgusting mindset someone can have, its just immoral since you are playng with a lot of other palyers who actually work harder for better rewards… its an MMO so it must be like irl.
what you ask is a utophia, where everyone get the best-thing possible… and its basically Communism, lol

i do love to ride cars, would love to compete in a F1 race, but guess what? i dont have the skills, neither the money, neither the time… so guess what? i do something else!
I add a final note applicable to real life … there is no rose without thorns, if you understand what I mean :wink:

They have to enforce scarcity upon the visions otherwise it would become obviously too quickly what low effort garbe content they are.


It would be really cool if there was like, a whole world vision, and you can explore it freely, and the more bosses / objectives you finish the bigger the reward, making effectively an area were you see just how far you can push!

What if they made the Brawler arena areas a wave mode where you can fight increasingly difficult mobs for lotsa corrupted mementos and some bonus rewards?

Sekiro is not hard though, I’m actually disappointed by it.

Also asking for an easier difficulty does not ever effect you unless the game as a whole was brought down, and even then you should express your opinion in a respectful manner, telling people you wanna slap them for their opinions is rude.

Meanwhile it takes way less effort to do it as dps, but luckily blizzard nerfed then for healers / tanks that do it on solo, but I still would love to have companions in them :smiley:

Wow atm is not in anyway tailored to hardcore players.

It’s a mixture of trying to please every player type in every content type.

The effort put into something doesn’t determine whether it’s quality or not.

You can find skipping stones fun, and its no effort, card games aren’t as much effort as MMORPG games yet alot more people in the world play them.

I’d rather have a fun easy rotation than a lame " complicated and hard " rotation.

One of the reasons I disliked Final fantasy mmo, because the gameplay isn’t fun and 2.5 sec gcd is boooring, even though people claim it’s much more complex than WoW.

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I’m conflicted about the companion idea. I get that there are people that really do not like to play with others but it is an mmo after all. If you can’t do it solo that’s a perfect opportunity for you to make some friends.

Love the idea of there being more hidden things. Like when you enter the inn in Stormwind and get attacked by a bear spirit whose rug is on the floor and then giving you a buff when you defeat it, that was quite hilarious.

As far as difficulty goes I think it’s not bad right now, we can’t all be outlaw rogues that annihilate the entire area with a blade flurry and skip the rest they don’t want to bother with. (as a DK I obv have no issues with aoe-ing down huge packs of mobs).

I like your input with the exception of npc minions to do your dirty work, I personally prefer playing with other people. (Also how would you balance them to not outshine players that you could bring with you instead).

I’m posting this at a time when blizzard has already announced they will nerf mob health etc by 25% for tanks and 40% for healers. Take that into consideration.

I looked at this, and values and I am glad that ‘per develeopers note’ that they agree that while off-specs exist, then it is only fair if mandatory (upgrading cloak is kind of main thing of this patch :P) content is accessible on spec people love playing.

I am self brew monk on my raid character and despite having killed now mythic raid bosses, I have done 0 solo tank runs because it has not been really plausible perspective.

I would love to try out a solo tank run as this is what my character is geared and tweaked for. Can I solo-clear as tank now ? :relaxed:

I disagree. Every casual friendly activity, which for me is queable content -dungeons, non rated pvp - and professions are totally unrewarding compared to the past. Open world activities take much longer to complete due to open world ilvl scaling and delayed flying release. Now with visions they took even further, they have built a gear dependent “solo” version of mythic+ which seems more fit to an action rpg.
If this is your cup of tea, I guess you will be happy but you can’t be so blind to think that everyone enjoys this type of content. Try running them with a 425 ilvl healer and you will get the picture.

But 8.3 content is “End Game” content, its not suppose to be a complete breeze though :confused: world quest(casual content) drops 445 loot now, so soloing visions is very much casual if you do casual content.

I never expected to breeze through any type of content in the past. But you are wrong ,world quests rewards (unlike anything else) scale to your level and they only drop 445 if you are already at least 440 in which case you most likely don’t need it.

I would try it as I was you!
I tried it on my hpala yesterday and I was able to clear a corrupted + lost + thrall :smiley: That is really a step up! Take in consideration I do not have the +200 sanity return from killing elites yet. So if you do, you maybe can do more :muscle: