Suggestions for The War Within Random Battlegrounds

TWW Alpha is probably next month (March), may as well throw out some suggestions on the off chance they read these forums. Reply with yours. Lets take a break from the usual whining and dream for a minute.

Achievements & Rewards

  • New Honourable Kill achievements.
    • The last one they introduced was in 4.0, 13 and a half years ago. There should be at least a few to future proof this achievement for the overwhelming majority of PvPers. I propose a 500k, 750k, 1m, 1.5m and 2m honourable kill achievement, each rewarding a title and/or mount. They could be feats of strength rather than achievements so that AP farmers don’t feel compelled to do PvP for 5 thousand hours to get 2 million HKs.
  • I want a race specific PvP title.
    • There are a lot of unused race specific titles that could be used for doing things in PvP. For example, win 500 BGs as an undead gives you the ‘Deathguard’ title. Win 500 as a Night Elf and you get ‘Warden’, etc. The races in WoW are cool and I want them to highlight that.
  • Ways to spend Marks of Honour.
    • I have a few thousand of these on a bunch of my characters. I have every single appearance and mount you can buy with them. I think they should introduce more ‘Black War ___’ style mounts that each cost 500 or 1,000 Marks of Honour.
  • More unrated PvP tabards.
    • I can remember getting the defiler’s tabard for the first time, or the isle of conquest tabard, or the tabard of brute force, even. We don’t get those now, anyone else noticed? We haven’t had a tabard attainable from Battlegrounds since patch 3.2, which was roughly 14 and a half years ago. I want a suite of new PvP tabards available from casual PvP, either for doing meta achievements, from buying them for a heap of marks of honour, from gaining honour rank milestones and so on. The only other way to get a PvP tabard right now is to get 2400 in Arena, and that’s just insane to me, when PvP tabards were a big draw for players back in the day - EVERYONE wanted that Defiler’s tabard. Many still use it to this day.

More Battlegrounds - specifically more like AB and WSG

    • I don’t think its a bad thing to keep introducing maps that are functionally just a reskin of Arathi Basin. People like the big battlegrounds that have areas that are constantly interesting. People dislike the BGs were the fight is always moving, because it makes it harder to group up and coordinate and even know where the fight is happening. I’m reminded of Overwatch here in how everyone’s favourite map is Kings Row, because the map plays itself - its a narrow street with not many flanks and thus even bad players end up playing well on it, as they at least are playing as a team. Please stop making Seething Shore experimental type maps. I am confident that the overwhelming majority of players just want more Arathi Basins and Eye of the Storms and Warsong Gulches.

Balance & Fairness in Unrated Battlegrounds

  • Introduce a stacking debuff to players that play in groups of 3 or more.
    • Playing in a 5 man premade guarantees winrates of 90%+ even if you aren’t the best players. If you are have decent and fully geared, winning 99% of the time is pretty easy. Your only competition will be in the form of other premades. I propose introducing a debuff to players grouped in a party of 3-5, that reduces their maximum HP and their healing and damage output. So for example, being in a party of 3 reduces your HP, damage and healing by 10%, then 15% at 4, then 20% at 5. I think this would do some work in counter-acting the gear, comp and coordination advantage these premades have and would push their winrates from 99% down to maybe 80%, which is better, at least.
  • If you are a healer down, buff your remaining healer’s output and reduce their damage taken.
    • Pretty self explanatory one here. If you join up to a battleground and one of your healers leaves, its pretty likely that you’ll just lose outright. It takes generally 3-5 minutes to get a new healer, and in that time the enemy team will have identified your weakness and started training your sole healer with their entire team. Reducing their damage taken and increasing their output would give them a fighting chance.
  • Introduce an ‘anti-healing’ Berserker buff.
    • Essentially instead of increasing your damage by 30%, it reduces enemy healing taken by 30%. This is mostly for wizards and things like enh shamans, but if you encounter a geared healer as one of these specs they are functionally unkillable unless someone comes over and applies a mortal wounds effect to them. This buff should be available at every base and spread around the rest of the maps. Some people want to introduce dampening to random BGs, but personally I find dampening lazy. Its says “ok, you cant win this fight for the first 4 minutes, but then after that its a guaranteed win.” boring. I want to pick up a buff and smash the enemy team right away.

Other Stuff

  • Bring back BG blacklisting.
    • I don’t know why this was removed. Everyone would instantly blacklist Seething Shore, and that should give you guys the data to realise that this BG isn’t enjoyable and needs drastically reworked. I don’t know why you would give up free data like this. Its an automatic feedback system. No forum post or complaint or other metrics needed. Bring it back.
  • Make gearing for BG only players faster.
    • There’s really no reason it should be this slow. Just make it 200 conquest per BG win. You need roughly 10,000 conquest to gear your character if you don’t loot any vaults and with your 2 crafted items. 10,000 conquest at 200 per win is still 50 bgs and if you’re winning 55-65% of the time, that’s still roughly 90 bgs you have to play to fully gear your character. That’s a lot of BGs. There’s no reason why it should be the 50 or so conquest per win it is right now. The other solution here is to just remove the gearing process entirely, but I think that would encourage even more FoTMing than there already is, so I don’t want them to do that.

I hope this point is never take into account.

Otherwise, there are some things that could be interesting, the problem is that blizzard literally only has 3 people in charge of PvP. The company itself decides to weigh down this style of game and give priority to raids, despite the fact that in a survey they did, retail pvp turned out to be more popular, only surpassed by the mythics Keys.

Very agree on this one.


But it would be interesting to see if it would have any effect on sync’d premades for epic bgs for example.
Sure, premades in itself is not a bad thing since ppl should be allowed to play with their friends. But noone can rly deny that playing with premades already gives you a huge advantage in every way possible =p
So have some kind of “debuff” to counter-act atleast part of the advantage would been interesting to see. x)

But I would be happy if they just make something so it feels “fresh”.

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Yeah I know, but its one of those things where the overwhelming majority of players hate premades, so even though I’m sure it’ll suck for the 40-50 or so players who 5 stack multiple times a week, the 5,000 who do a bg every week will rejoice, so for that reason it should be in the game.

This solution takes into account the main complaint of premade spammers - that they just want to be able to play with their friends “its an MMO after all!” - fine, you can play with your friends in this system still. Everybody wins, premades more than everyone else, but slightly less than they do right now.


I don’t think punishing someone for playing with friends is the most appropriate idea xD

What they should do is encourage Blitz for those who don’t want to encounter premades. Blitzes are a wonderful idea, I also played a few and they are fun, the main problem with these is their long waiting queues.

That would be fine, if they would add the blitz style queueing to the normal BG’s, cos I don’t want to only play the blitz maps, I want to play the normal maps as well, seeing as they are just better all round than the reinvented blitz versions. Only thing better about blitz games is the mounted speed.

I know how you play and the people you play with and I can tell you wouldn’t be losing much more than now if they introduced a handicap style penalty for 5 stack groups, because 5 stack groups typically consist of players who play well and care about objectives. It would just give solo or duo players in the other team a fairer chance.

Atm all the advantages are with the 5 stack groups and they have none of the drawbacks. With this debuff in place, 5 stack groups will still offer the advantage of having reliable teammates and control over the specs you bring, but it will be counterbalanced with less power.

I typically play in groups of 2 or 3 players and I wouldn’t care in the slightest if I was nerfed by 10% for it.


Equally, they should encourage players who want to play in groups to play versus other people who want to play in groups, this seems incomprehensible to people who wish to play in groups though it seems cos they always come back with the standard “Why shouldn’t I be able to play with friends” even thought the suggestion is that they play with their friends against likeminded groups of friends.

A lot of them seem to have no problem at all finding 20+ people for an EBG yet claim that it’s too complicated to get the people they need for rated, so as all the premaders tend to tell the rest of us “make some friends” you premaders could equally just make some more friends to do rated with.

The overall simple solution that suits all though, is solo shuffle options on all BG’s then you can choose solo or grouped… everybody wins, that is except for those premaders that thrive on having lots of solo players to feed off, which would massively decrease if there was a solo shuffle option.

No. Making seperate que for e v e r y t h i n g we do ingame is a bad idea and que times will be butchered even more.

Bad for you maybe, not for me… guess which of the two I care more about?

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We get it youre egocentrical. Doesnt mean its a good idea. The idea of a debuff is much better.

There is already several threads here complaining about que timers and you want to add another seperate que. It just does not make sense to me. Sure do something about fully stacked premades but come with solid good ideas

No more so than any of the rest of you, who don’t care in the slightest about other people’s gaming experiences, you don’t care that you have ruined the game for many, many people. So if your gaming experience was to somehow suffer then likewise, I wouldn’t care about it either.

Sorry for the offtopic, but I had to say it: this is… beautiful… to see people converting to the void and accepting the old gods…



You can now continue with the original thread.

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Pulpo a la N’zoth?!?!?

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Yeah I give up with the female gnome forum portrait. Everything blocks my dome.

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