Suggestions to gear up?

Hi guys,

I stopped WoW for a long time. What advice to gear up my Warrior in the fastest way possible? High gear for PvP and other set for PvE?

I’ve seen for example SoD HC but the drops are kinda low iLvL? And the full conquest gear is still the best option for pvp?

Pve wise, likely do zaralek, get as much gear as u can and upgrade all u can, get the campaign done.

Make sure u do the weekly quest to earn the shards of shadowsparks can get 1 full per week which allows the crafting of 1 424 piece each 2 weeks.

Then spam m+, try get solid vault rewards, get into raids if u can to open further slots.

Pvp wise as far as im aware this is a stand alone system now and basically you need to pvp to get the gear. I think you can buy some starter pvp gear

Thank you!

Dont forget in valdrakken

5 timewalking quests for a normal piece of raid loot (it goes after reset)

Qnd 5 heroic dungeons for a 415 random piece from chest (will reset for next week also)

Very last minute today. But u could try buying a green sword and shield and tank the timewalking to see if u can make it, everythings scaled down so wont rly affect you.

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