Summary of the covenant stories?

Anyone know a good source where you can find the summary of covenant stories?

I only play one character who is aligned with the Venthyr, and while I have a fairly good grasp on Venthyrs part in the story I am extremely lost on what the other covenants have been doing during 9.0 and 9.1.
I’m not interested to level an alt to experience the other parts as I have not been interested in playing alts since Cataclysm, so for a one character guy Blizzards new way of splitting the story (2 factions in BFA and 4 factions in SL) is extremely dull…

Have you tried Nobbel on Youtube. He puts out a lot of lore videos, not sure if he’s done the covenants though.

Tbh his accent is so heavy it’s off putting but I could give it a go.

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