Sundancer mount not up in the weekends?

Been trying to get the sundance mount for 2 weekends in row but it is not there.

In the weeks I see it flying there nonstop but in the weekends nothing.

Have killed him 5 times but still no drop only in the weeks but not finding him in the weekends.

Just kill him solo, it’s 100% drop chance. You will find him if you quicklog at odd hours, especially on populated realms.
Respawn is around 6-8 hours.

It is not a 100% drop at all .

Respawn was roughly 45-60 minutes

If you are none Kyrian the drop rate is lower and 5 kills is nothing.

I think you just need kyrian glider to get him down and will be 100% drop if you solo.

Use skystrider glider - can be bought from AH

I can promise you it is not 100% (unless I am a weird bugged case) . I have 12 solo attempts with a Kryian DH and no drop. I have 40 odd attempts in total across a number of characters.

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Have you used skystrider glider to bring him down? It’s key to get proper droprate.

I won’t just glide with dh and being him down.

I can 10000% guarantee it’s 100% drop rate if you do solo:

  1. Use glider, get Hot Seat Achiev.
  2. Have the buff from shrine.
  3. Beat him within 4 minutes of starting fight. He has 600k hp, but will submit at 10% hp, so 550k dmg solo in 4 mins, while also needing to heal yourself, he hits decently hard.
  4. Respawn is NOT 50 mins. I have actively camped him for 3 4 hours at a time, while realm hopping as well, and havent found him at all that day.

You have to, doesn’t work without the item even as a DH

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9 Kills as NF say different even when using glider …

Just use kyrian char

The glider doesn’t affect the drop rate. The glider is just part of getting Sundancer down so you can engage it. Specifically it’s one of 2 buffs you NEED.

As for the drop rate. I got it as a Kyrian on my first kill. Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s 100% for said covenant.

I mean, I can’t get the escaped wilderling from Korthia as a Kyrian so it’d make sense that non-bastion denizens don’t have a 100% drop rate.

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It is not listed as covenant specific though (other mounts like the one you mention are)

And should it? I don’t see the wilderling in Korthia with a big’ole sign saying “NIGHT FAE ONLY”.

Gotta have a little mystery and/or fun stuff. Don’t let wowhead and datamining ruin the experience man.

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