Just kill him solo, it’s 100% drop chance. You will find him if you quicklog at odd hours, especially on populated realms.
Respawn is around 6-8 hours.
I can promise you it is not 100% (unless I am a weird bugged case) . I have 12 solo attempts with a Kryian DH and no drop. I have 40 odd attempts in total across a number of characters.
I can 10000% guarantee it’s 100% drop rate if you do solo:
Use glider, get Hot Seat Achiev.
Have the buff from shrine.
Beat him within 4 minutes of starting fight. He has 600k hp, but will submit at 10% hp, so 550k dmg solo in 4 mins, while also needing to heal yourself, he hits decently hard.
Respawn is NOT 50 mins. I have actively camped him for 3 4 hours at a time, while realm hopping as well, and havent found him at all that day.
The glider doesn’t affect the drop rate. The glider is just part of getting Sundancer down so you can engage it. Specifically it’s one of 2 buffs you NEED.
As for the drop rate. I got it as a Kyrian on my first kill. Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s 100% for said covenant.
I mean, I can’t get the escaped wilderling from Korthia as a Kyrian so it’d make sense that non-bastion denizens don’t have a 100% drop rate.