In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Sunstrider in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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Name: Throng
Race: Dwarf
Class: Hunter
- Nightshade
- For Elune and eternity
- Pixel Pirates
- Brotherhood of Grimnir
Hope to find:
- Marshall
- Abbies
- Primitive
- Ynna
Have Alliance guild, i’m guildmaster, and we’ll be rolling on Golemagg. If anyone wants to join let me know.
Hiyas Throng. Primitive here. Currently on Sunstrider still. Hope all is good
Yeah, hi. All good here as well. You still kicking butt and raiding? What are your plans for Classic?
Please don’t find Marshall, or no one else is getting to rank14 
Jetah, Human, Warlock
Guild: SinisteR
Hoping to reconnect with pretty much anyone who played with us back then! We were a pretty good progression guild if I remember right.
Name: Nightwolf / Mustaine
Race: Human / Dwarf
Class: Warrior / Paladin
- Rampage
- Nightshade
- Unknown Entity
Hope to find:
Anyone that I used to play with in any of these guild or anyone on the server in general, I remember way too many names to start listing them all. Just wanting to see who is still out there playing or coming back for classic!
Hey Prim! How’s it going! Been way too long since I played with you guys.
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Name: Athrin
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Hope to find:
Anyone that I used to play with in or anyone that remembers me from my guild.
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My first ever char was made in Sunstrider. I remember so well the days where I was leveling in Ashenvale my main rogue and groups of hordies where around clearing everyone. Glad I was rogue and bypassed them. Hehe. People where trying to do their quest around 6 hours back then due to heavy world pvp. I was in Myrmidones guild for start until some friends called me to start in Steamwheedle Cartel. I imagine they couldn’t cope with the world pvp fact. Me no I was a rogue enjoying every minute of it. Ahahaha. Cheers everyone.
Name: Brandelot
Race: human
Class: paladin
Guild: - The Crazy EightyEights
Hope to find:
- Braver
- Orcasm
- Pickles
- Ramire
- Ironlung
Name: Galadriel
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Hope to find:
Old guildies from MC/BWL time
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Name: Mercer
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Hope to find:
Old guildies and friends i use to play and hang out with.
Hey athrin. I remember you. It’s me Ragorn (human warrior)
U were in my video as well with our guild going into Onyxia
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Gondar, Human Rogue
Guilds: Mysth, Twilight
Hoping to find anyone from these xD
(awesome thread, already so many memories)
Winterchild, Human Frost Mage
My long term guilds:
Would be nice to find:
My Twilight buddies, who sadly migrated away. 
Odo! Amoni <3! Kimzao! Richter!
Everyone I played with!
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Name: Ironlung
Race: Dwarf
Guilds: Crazy 88s/Unknown Entity
Looking for: Eh noone in particular but i saw some familiar faces
Sup Brand/Mercer!
Hey Winter! I was in Twilight too! The guild migrated to Burning Blade at some point so I guess It might be worth looking for people there too.
Hi Gondar! Yeah, the more I read your name the more I manage to convince myself that I remember it. 
Thanks for the “Burning Blade” name, I had forgotten where they ended up going.
Name: Oreadez
Race: Night Elf
Class: Warrior
Guild: Reign
I was one of the tanks in Reign for MC/BWL/AQ and ZG. I took a break before Naxxramas launched and when I returned in TBC I went Horde on another server. Had a lot of fun on Sunstrider, was a great community with many great memories from those early days of Warcraft. Looking forward to re-experiencing the classic version.