Yes as stated aboe the entire set is pretty much a palain in seraphim and it looks gorgeous but that type of shield ain’t dropping… I am still waiting for a full turalyon appeareance but it doesn’t seem it will ever happen.
Yea, ikr.
But still this tauren ain’t “casting” Seraphim [ ]
He is standing there as the item is “physical”, wich why i made this post.
Bit annoying since Ion Hazzikostas said in one interview that any npc gear is suppouse to be transmogable. Cant find the source atm, so cant make a quote.
But you understand my point hopefully.
I agree its Seraphim animation, but npc is wearing it as physical gear. He is not casting. #mad ^^
I went as far as making a ticket… crazy, agree.
But I got this as reply: (hope it’s safe to quote gm’s)
" I have to tell you the truth and we have no idea about that shield We don’t have the info of each item or gear in the game. Not sure if it will be something added in the game in the future or if it is just something that they created because it looks cool
I suggest you to check the forums, even on US. Maybe someone else asked the developers about it and you can know more from them.
If not, send a suggestion in the forums to let the developers know that the shield looks great and it could be added in the game for everyone else. Maybe they didn’t think about it and they can do it in some of the new patches
For now, wait until the next patch arrives, with new items, and maybe we are lucky and it is there :)"
Yea, I mean… why not?
There is probably work behind it, idk. But cant be that hard.
Hell, make it hardass quest or something… i don’t mind.
Really shame imo.