Super secret forum and other late night dramaaaa!

I’m sorry but those texts look easily faked.

The comment about how that so much focus on the forums nowadays is about transmogs was fun. And true.

Magdalena left the game, very loudly, in 2016. I remember reading the farewell then, and being a bit sad that the game had lost another player who was a centre of community.

What is it about this game, that people can’t let go?

As for feedback being ignored, Ghostcrawler addressed that long ago. The only real feedback the devs get is numbers, and the numbers don’t correlate with changes except in a very few cases. They add reforging; the numbers don’t change. They remove reforging; the numbers don’t change. They [do something] to [Monks|Rogues|Warlocks…]; the numbers don’t change. They Prune; the numbers don’t change. They “unPrune”; the numbers don’t change.

They are insulated from consequences. So the devs, many of whom would probably make very entertaining pronouncements for r/iamverysmart, keep doing whatever they feel like.

You say they get other feedback? They get a bunch of opinions, that pretty much cancel out to zero. At any given moment, the side whose preference is in place tends to be quiet, because they’re not hurting, so the side whose preference is not implemented complains more - but both sides are there, and when the switch flips, the factions just switch volumes.

The sekrit clubhouse for TCs? I’m sure there are some smart and very conscientious people among the TCs, but they are ground down when they understand that the machine cannot be reasoned with, but only, and very occasionally, influenced.

What is it about this game, that people can’t let go?

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This YouTube says it all. This developer is completely clueless. I watched the whole video in astonishment. []

Thank you for your post. It was one of the most interesting reads I ever had on these forums.

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Some more juicy bits and threads if you want to read more peoples reactions.🫖👀/683342

I agree with the blue from the last screen cap in the OP’s post. People go on Icy-veins or some other site and the talents for each spec are streamlined. Everyone has the same crap and most button mash without knowing how to effectively play a class. If I was a developer, and I saw that happening, I would not bother with variety either. It would feel like a waste of time. Like a parent who buys books for a child that insists on reading Harry Potter exclusively over and over again. Eventually you’re going to get fed up and not even try anymore.

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