Super Semian Sphere

Does the Mjordin Combatant still drop SSS? it’s not listed on the droptable but there are some old vids that state that they drop em. done around 8000~ kills there now but nothing. just wanna know so i ain’t wasting time for nothing.

Maybe… that is my answer!

I’ve not seen any on the AH for a very long time. I’m wondering if they broke it. Or maybe no one is farming them as much.

I’m kind of heartbroken because years ago I had one, but due to limited bag space I destroyed/vendored various toys. It was many years later they introduced the toy box.

hehe, same.

I mean it’s BOP so u can’t sell them.

Check out the comments. (If this is the correct item)

i know u can farm naxx and Pit. did 150~pit runs so got tierd of it and went here instead. mobs stop spawning after a bit but i can snag like 200-300 kills before that and it’s sub 10 min then i log another char and do something else so it’s pretty chill.

i farmed this dang thing so many times by resetting naxxramas trash, never dropped for me…

ive given up on getting this gorialla ball

I could have sworn they used to be sold on AH but maybe I’m thinking of another item then

Not sure if it helps but I’ve had one drop in the Halls of Thunder dungeon near Ulduar back in Wrath of the Lich King. I doubt it has a higher drop chance there compared to others as I assume its just a random chance from any level 80 elite.

maybe ur thinking about the Orb of deception?

Possibly but I do have that one. Some day I’ll get another Simian :slight_smile:

I got this in Wotlk. Had no idea this was rare/desirable tbh. All the best farming this whoever is hoping for it

I farmed naxx for like a week then i got it, i think i got like 15 world boe epics before the toy kinda unlucky, trash before Heigan the Unclean is a good spot.

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