Support your game blizzard

As customers, we shouldn’t be tasked with policing the servers. Currently, the situation is so dire that I can’t even complete my quests properly. I’m forced to waste time dealing with cheaters, which feels like an impossible mission. If your anti-cheat detection isn’t effective, please consider increasing the durability loss upon dying until a proper solution is implemented. se we can atleast stop the cheaters farming 24-7

For weeks, the diminishing value of drops and resources has been a persistent issue. Allowing farming not only damages the player base and community but also undermines the integrity of the game. Blizzard’s failure to effectively address cheaters only exacerbates the problem. It’s disheartening to see accounts taking weeks to be banned, especially when thousands of bot accounts continue to operate unchecked. It’s imperative that Blizzard takes a proactive stance against cheating.

This situation is becoming increasingly frustrating for me.

Due to the introduction of runes in SOD, unintended consequences have arisen, including the emergence of powerful Hero class bots. These bots can easily overpower players, posing a significant challenge. 7

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