Support Zandalari Paladin Lore

the original TCG is where i get my lore from


Also with an infinity of less interesting bits and bobs than even the entire last expansion, some of which on occasion make it into the canon.

Fortunately not all of them, as the goofy cardgame isn’t actual canon.


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Come on bro these sentences are right next to each other.

“Here’s something you may wish to consider” is apparently the same as declaring hearthstone is universally canon I guess.

remember when velen was a paladin and lor’themar was a shaman

wait it might’ve been the other way around actually, I forget, either way it wasn’t right


average world of warcraft player’s standard for lore

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Average player’s standard for world of warcraft lore*.

one begets the other : )

I’d rather at times be pleasantly surprised than uphold a nit-picky and elitist standard for a game which lore and writing rarely caters to such high expectations.
This is Lor’themar the paladin and his advisors.

Dual wielding paladins using a shield on their back. True greatness, stolen from us.

Also since the only mage appears to be to his immediate right, I can only conclude that Rommath is trans.


Liadrin too, (s)he is clearly the priest next to Rommathia. And behind Lor’themar is Halduron the warlock.

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I will NEVER support lore.

It’s vague.

Before the death of Rezan, all prelates were devoted exclusively to Rezan.

After the death of Rezan, any remaining prelates stop referring to Rezan and start referring to a generic “the loa,” which could be singular and still refer to Rezan, or it could be singular and refer to another loa, or it could be plural and refer to any number of loa. Examples of this include:

Rastari Prelates from 8.0:

We are here at Talanji’s request. Her royal highness has been a tremendous help to de prelates, reminding us of who we are, and what we stand for.
Our loa, Rezan, may have fallen, but his ideals remain. We must lead those who are lost, and be a beacon of light against de darkness.
By de graces of de loa, we are still one with de Light.

Ra’wani Kanae from 8.1:

Ra’wani Kanae says: De Light of de loa is all de strength I need. Face me!
Ra’wani Kanae yells: Loa grant me strength!
Ra’wani Kanae yells: Victory for de loa!

High Prelate Rata in 8.1.5:

May de light of de loa shine upon you, [name].
Loa’s light guide you.
I call, and the light of the Loa answers.

Incensed Rastari Prelate from 8.1.5, long after Rezan’s demise:

My loa will not be de next to fall!

Over time, the prelates stop referring to Rezan as their chosen deity and the source of their power. Instead they refer to a generic ‘the loa,’ which could still be Rezan but it’s rather odd that the writers choose to no longer mention the Loa of Kings by name, except for when the prelates mention his demise.

On top of that, there is the unpleasant reality that all paladins, prelates included, ultimately draw their power from the Light so if you want to come up with a reason for why your devotee of Torcali is able to call upon the Light, that’s up to you.

This is just one of the nebulous open-ended areas of the lore where there’s no clear answer. People who want to believe that all prelate still worship Rezan could still go “they clearly mean Rezan whenever they refer to ‘the loa,’” while people who want to believe that prelates have moved on and revere other deities may draw different conclusions.

It’s up to you.


This makes it crystal clear imo.

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It’s a quote shared by Furious Raptari Druids and Irate Pa’kura Priests, like all of the other quotes from the Incensed Rastari Prelate. So, it could be argued that it was just a thoughtlessly copy-and-pasted line with no regard for prelate lore and shouldn’t have any impact on the canon.


Okay, that muddies the water.

What remained of Rezan was absorbed by Vol’jin, so perhaps he is now the one that grands the paladins their power. I hope we will see more of Vol’jin in the future of wow and are given a better idea of what he became.


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