Am i the only one that feels that way? Most pure dps classes have way better survivability.
On my Monk without Karma i’m just dead, the selfheal is awful.
I am not a fan of Ret since the rework because the spec is now the most braindead out of all specs, but even here i notice pressing Flash of Light or Word of Glory feels kinda useless.
Druid only ok because Heart of the Wild (5min CD) and Frenzied Regeneration (which i think is a little bit overbuffed) but without abusing cyclone/bear you die as cat pretty fast. (i only play feral)
Ele and Shadow are the only hybrid specs i feel where the selfheal is fine, not too bad or too good.
Rogue pure dps class… all the cc, immunity, stealth are insane. Winning a 1v2 is normal. (i play only assa/sub)
Warlock the passive selfheal + shield combine with CC feels very strong, as affli even tankier. (i play only destro/affli)
Mage Most survivability here is because melees can’t touch you (1v1), it’s disgusting how a mage can toy with melees even warriors are just a little plaything for them. As long there is no hunter or someone spams purge on me, i feel immortal. Would probably my main class, but sadly no healer spec. (frost/arcane)
Not pure hybrids but still worth mentioning:
DH not much to say here, this class has too much.
Warrior my favorite melee so far, it’s almost like a god (if no mage is in sight), big armor, 2x bladestorm, insane mobility and utility, ignore pain, every 25sec a healthstone like wtf? Sadly warrior vs mage is the most unfair 1v1 in the whole game, it’s so depressing. (i only play arms)
I remember a time where mages are made of glass, warriors without a healer being almost useless, and rogues where kinda killable. I just find it funny/strange how that changed this drastic.
Why i write this? Well first of because it’s boring today at work haha and second i try to figure out my Main for TWW, i plan to only play one character. (Of course no one knows how the classes will be)
Soo… i’m interested to hear how you guys feel with your class/spec in a 1v1 or 1vX fights!
Which class gives you the most trouble? Or which spec you would say needs some love in those certain scenarios?
It will probably end with people flaming each other but hey, bored so i wanted to give it a try.