Survival hunter back to the future

Really miss how these abilities worked in Legion. And Mongoose Bite should not replace Raptor Strike.

Flanking Strike Hunter - Survival Spec
50 Focus Melee range
Instant 6 sec cooldown

Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon
Requires Hunter (Survival)

A coordinated attack on the target, where you deal (390% of weapon damage) Physical damage and your pet deals [ 672% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.

Flanking strike has double the normal chance to trigger Hunting Companion.

Mongoose Bite Hunter - Survival Spec
Melee range
Instant 12 sec recharge
Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon
Requires Hunter (Survival)
3 charges

Attempts to sever the target’s limbs with a brutal attack that deals 0 Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury.

Mongoose Fury increases Mongoose Bite damage by 50% for 14 sec, stacking up to 6 times. Successive attacks do not increase duration.

Mastery: Hunting Companion Hunter - Survival Spec

Requires Hunter (Survival)

Your pet’s attacks have a 10.0% chance to grant you an additional charge of Mongoose Bite.


Legion sv + animal instincts talent had a really nice gameplay flowing rotation. Though dps traps were an awful idea.

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Survival in legion was god awful to play which is why there were barely anyone playing it back then. The rotation was way too hard and keeping up all the dots was pure torture, especially in aoe.

That’s because everyone played way of the moknathal. That was a cancerous rotation indeed

I think Legion version of Survival had a good core, Flanking Strike and Mongoose Bite were some of the more satisfying buttons to press at the time and while Lacerate and Raptor Strike as buttons weren’t exactly exciting, they worked decently to round out the spec’s resource expenditure. Its big issue was the plate spinning of Mok’nathal, Lacerate, Caltrops, potentially Tar Trap + Flare with the legendary.

It needed tweaks, talent changes to make it flow well, not yet another ground up rework. Especially considering what we ended up with is almost as clunky, but without the big satisfying hits and a lot of underwhelming +damage% talents.

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Totally agree! I would never miss either Mok’nathal, Lacerate nor Caltrops. In my opinion, the biggest mistake going from Legion to BfA was to make Flanking Strike a leap + focus generator at 30 sec cd and giving Mongoose Bite focus cost + removed the charges.
Also kind of miss when Fury of the Eagle damage was increased by stacks of Mongoose Fury.