Survival hunter new tierset

the tierset of survival hunter DF season 4 is so bad it does less damage than old set byu FAR in aoe and only slightly slightly SLIIGHTLY more dmg in single target even tho im 20 ilvl above what i was before?

Yah actually struggling with the same. A full 489 set is better than a full 522 set , how the hell is that allowed/possible?? Doesnt make any sence at all

Idk what people were thinking when voted for this :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I was 100% sure, that we will get nerfed one, but anyway, in PvP it blasts.
P.S. voted for s3 set bonus

Does it? Its not rly noticable playing with full set or without

Didn’t try this nerfed variant, played in s1, and was thinking that at least in pvp it would be close to s1, if not, it’s just so sad.

Sadly i not played hunter season one, but yesterday i switched too MM and back too SV and gear sets where a bit messed up and i was playing without my set and i only checked it between soloqs when i wont too equip my new ring

At last 4 set you would need too stay in meele and spam your dps rotation witch is a think you do not wont if you like too life against a lot of combs, and the numbers are not like that high of mongoose bite is it between 70k and 200k on life pools that goes upt too 1.7Mil

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Actually on first week I with s3 sets, and my dps was better :smiley:
From that time I cant go above it, even if I have s4 4 tier. (y i know im not a glad player)

So the basic problem with it I think, that 4 piece dmg reduction. In pve its 50%, in pvp its 20%.

With full stacks from talent and all of the buffs, never hit with mongoose bite above 200k.
Cause not that is our main spell in S3 and S4, its the Wildfire bomb. (and other variations)

Yeah most damage is not impressive as SV in PvP, chackram explosive shot into killshot from KA is the biggest burst we got and you can see it 3 globals ahead

Moongoose bite feels more like a filler and the real damage spell is still missing or mor3 dots would be cool

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