Survival hunter reimagined

as a whole chunk of community it has been bothering me for quite some time that Rexxar, THE hunter in the world uses dual wield axes while none of the hunter classes can especially the survival hunter of which I have always been a big fan of but who seems to struggle in and out of favour more than any other spec in game.

How cool would it be to build this spec in and around the Rexxar fantasy letting survival hunters dual wield melee weapons. Reimagine the kit using the fantasy of berserker trolls and Rexxar while saving the diversity from other hunter specs while also reintroducing it back?

Imagine if you were able to let’s say have 3 basic skills which you would periodically play in pattern, each gaining let’s say small haste buff as you go through your rotation pushing them in repeating and let’s say combo order, ramping slowly your attack speed until you became a machine gun of throwing axes, spicing your very fast barrage of throwing axe goodnes with zerk CDs improving your AA damage or stacking debufs which you would explode, by the “finisher” of your pet, in massive bleed dots or Burst damage. Or running through packs of M+ dungeons, switching into melee mode. Trading the relative safety of ranged attacks for the melee fantasy of survival hunter, gaining not only attack speed as you go through your melee combos but also taking swings at increasingly more targets in melee range as you gain your stacks from attacks, starting slow hitting but one target as you’re ramping to the top of your game and becoming a swinging flurry of blows autoattacking multiple targets with each attack?

I want it to go even further. I want survival to have a close range shotgun and long range dual pistols. The gameplay would revolve around swapping weapons, dashing in to blast the enemies in the face with your shotgun before backflipping out of there and laying down the lead with your dual pistols. But then again it doesn’t matter what I want or what anybody else wants, Blizzard does what it wants anyways.

I do like the Spear theme of Survival, but honestly that theme could have gone to another spec instead, since we do have Rexxar who is most definitely dual one-handers. Could have been cool if Throwing Weapons was a sub-theme too, to replace the weirdly-techy Wildfire Bombs.

Survival not being DW perplexes me.

Rexxar this rexxar that this specc was never designed after rexxar to begin with. Stop this crap.

Or, even better: Make it a tank spec. Even the name is adequate and consistent with it.


Who is SV icon since legion?

I rest my case

He was originally a beast master it was retconned

Potayto potahto.
He is a melee hunter.
But yea. BM should’ve been the one to go melee

Neither should have…

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Neither hunter speccs should have gone melee. It was complete retcon and failed theme.

Keep throwing that around. You are bound to hit it in a correct spot eventually

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I believe survival is based upon the trolls with their headhunter spear bros and bomb hurling bat riders mainly.

If that is the case then it probably needs some superspeed juju juice for the full experience, we can just call it ssj juice for short

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