Once again, i plead with blizzard to please reconsider the hunter changes on the Survival spec.
As it is, the spec feels fun to play, effective and the rotation flows smoothly.
Flanking strike is an excelent gap closer with decent damage and its a good Tip of the Spear generator.
Making it exclusive with Butchery, our only melee AoE with a bleed attached is a big mistake.
SV does NOT have too many buttons. It has just the right ammount. You need to remember that M+ is not the only game type that is played at higher level. WoW has a lot to offer, so its good to have various options outside of a strict rotation.
Personally, SV was the reason i even installed WoW in the first place. Taking away one of our very few melee abilities will make the spec feel much worst and more chaotic.
If you want to clean up the skill tree, i would suggest making butchery and its associated traits baseline.
Leaving this thread here, hoping it makes a spec of a difference.
The changes to pack leader however might make me consider leaving Sentinel.
PvP survival player, I’m stoked to see Butchery be a choice node.
I’m having a hard time finding enough binds for my spec as-is, having up to two additional active spells from PvP talents, plus potential HS from lock… Also I basically never press Raptor Strike because of Butchery, I just got too much to press all the time. Flanking Strike is my bread though, so it will always be #1 if I have to choose.
Agree on the Pack Leader changes, it looks pretty exciting and I can’t wait to try it.
Survival is already incredibly busy in PvP, you have a LOT of utility options you also have to look out for.
You also basically have to press Butchery on CD, even if it’s on a single enemy, because the synergies with Bomb make a big difference.
Baking the functions of Butchery into Flanking Strike will also maybe make Mongoose Bite more viable again, as you will actually have to press Raptor Strike for damage sometimes, rather than spam every other ability because of Butchery.
I don’t know about you, but I have upwards of 40 something binds as Surv sometimes, and I really could do with less.
This is a classice case of PvP vs PvE. As I mainly PvP, this is a godly change, one less bind, and you would be surprised how happy even one less bind makes me feel for SV. Sucks for you buddy, I understand, but bloody fantastic for me.
Hunter’s have a LOT LOT LOT of options thanks to the retarded amount of utility abilities and macros you need to press to operate normally in pvp. Thanks to that very fact, we are absolutely OVERLOADED with keys to press. Only other class I can think of that comes close to us is maybe shamans, where their abilities are few, but utility is wild.
I think it’s very different for PvE, I only PvP though.
In PvP you have to cycle through a lot of abilities, weaving in Kill Commands while using your utility. Traps, Disarm, Tranq Shot, list is long.
We normally don’t wanna be in melee for long unless we burst, or applying the bleed from Butchery, as Wildfire Bomb is good damage from range, and Explosive Shot is our main dealer.
Mongoose Bite used to be the meta way, but the spec has changed a fair bit since DF.
Wow that sounds like a completely different way to play
I’m quite happy mongoose bite is not meta right now cause I would not play with it even if it where ^^ don’t like that here is a window set up for it and then spamm that ability playstile