Surviving as feral - What is up with that?

I am sure I am doing something wrong but feral just seems awfully squishy. I can’t even get my opening rip out half the time before I’m dead in pvp.

Now I appreciate feral just gets trained as its squishy and can pump out some big pressure unopposed but what is the point of slipping into bear if you cant even get bleeds up and even then you’re only mitigating physical damage.

Regrowth is just pants and survival instincts too long a CD and too short a duration. So what am I missing here? Other classes seems to have insane self-healing or defensives that can keep them alive until another round of burst - I’m lucky if I can press bear quick enough to remain above 50% hp. Random BG’s are just awful… and arena is just gross (rets are disgusting).

If its a ‘git gud’ situation please be helpful and actually specify what is needed… please for the love of…


Feral is extremely squishy yeah, even with the dmg migration talents in the Feral tree…

The way I have gotten it working, is through a combination of CC, bear form, and rejuvenation/swiftmend. :sweat_smile: And of course trying to apply bleeds, then kite, if against melee. Against casters you gotta maintain pressure, and interrupt and stun.

Luckily we have some of the best CC in the game… it just stinks loosing our healing in DF…

To me it’s more about the fact that, if we kite around a pillar to heal, then it’s pointless to spam Regrowth… :sweat_smile: you’ll end up using all your mana, and only manage to heal 1/3 your healthbar.


Probably the worst state I have seen ferals in as far as squishiness goes. So much cc around as well nowadays that kiting is almost impossible, in BG’s at least. Get caught in a stun and see yourself pop like a balloon. Still think the worst thing they did to us was remove the quick shift from bear to bear, cat to cat etc.

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Yes Feral is very squishy and needs a survi buff. Solo shuffle is a nightmare if enemies focus you all game, you really gotta outplay people to have a chance at winning. For Rated Arenas you just need to play with a mage that the enemy team can’t just ignore or he will solo the whole team or aug so that you basically have 2 ppl trying to keep you alive. :smiley:


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