SV Hunter beta rework, and the "new" Mongoose Fury

I think most SV Hunter players agree, that the Dragonflight Mongoose Fury buff, is incredibly un-fun playstyle wise… :face_with_head_bandage:

While I do occasionally get a few people commenting that they “love the playstyle with the small window at 5 stacks”, they might be 1 in every 15 people I talk to, or get feedback from…

So when Blizz changed MF in the original rework, into being a 10 sec buff you could reset the timer on using MB, it was a overall positive change… A change which only lasted about a week unfortunately, since they reverted the Flanking Strike change (a good decision btw), but for SOME reason… also reverted MF as well…?? :sweat_smile:

Now we are back at the Dragonflight version (kind of), where we gotta stack MF up to 5 stacks… The playstyle people heavily disliked… We DO have the playstyle changed slightly, since we got to weave between Kill Command and Mongoose Bite, since KC now extends the buff by 1.5 sec, to keep the buff rolling for as long as possible… :tipping_hand_man:

But is it better?

IMO this “new” MF playstyle suffers from the exact same playstyle issue, as in Dragonflight… :neutral_face: We are still FRANTICALLY trying to build up 5 stacks, only to loose the buff mere seconds later.

To give an analogy…

The Dragonflight version of MF, was the feeling of sitting in a sinking boat with a hole in the bottom, and all you could do, was to get your damage out before it sank… But now in the “rework”, you are trying to get the water out using a bucket, WHILE dealing damage… but no matter HOW HARD YOU TRY… you still sink in the end… :melting_face:

The playstyle feels like a unpreventable kick in the groin… which happens every 15 sec. So while we CAN get more damage out at 5 stacks, compared to Dragonlight atleast, the overall playstyle is unrewarding and punishing.

AND at the same time while worrying about MF stacks, we ALSO gotta worry about Tip of the Spear stacks?? :joy: Like… Just give us ONE stack mechanic, and change the functionality of the other into something else…

So what are the good and bad about SV Hunters rework?


  • No more bloat! (Death Chakram and Serpent Sting) was removed, which was a HUGE plus in my book.
  • Our offensive CDs are amazing now! Spearhead and Coordinated Assault no longer FORCE us into two separate playstyles, but have instead been simplified.
  • Defensive rework feels SO good! We FINALLY don’t have 3mins between our defensives, which was my reason for periodically abandoning playing SV in Dragonflight, since it felt bad in PvP when there were no healers nearby.
  • Utility is accessible! We can now have nearly EVERY trap and utility at one time, which is a big improvement to staying alive, and having fun.
  • Bloody Claws is fun. While it WAS including as part of the “reverted change to make the old version of MF feel better”, I do specifically like getting increased Kill Command resets from it.
  • Explosive Shot is amazing! And I love that it has become a more core integrated spell as part of SV Hunter. It was my favorite spell in Dragonflight, and I’m glad to see it in TWW.


  • Mongoose Fury mechanic is punishing! It makes the player feel like they fail every 15 sec. Especially in PvP, where opponents CC you, this feels INCREDIBLE bad, since it prevents MF stack build-up. The 3 stack 10 sec version you could reset using one Mongoose Bite, was MUCH better.
  • Weaving Kill Command and Mongoose Bite… The weaving playstyle is boring and tedious, and my analogy further up my post here, perfectly describe why.

My solution?

  1. To figure out why the 10 sec MF, which was resettable didn’t work, and fix it. And then go that direction with it. We are ALREADY building up damage using Tip of the Spear, which makes it completely silly to have ANOTHER stack we need to worry about in MF…
  2. Or, as many other suggest, make MF a buff you get every 3rd Raptor Strike, which either applies a debuff to your target when you Raptor Strike the 4th time.
  3. Or make MF a buff you get every 3rd Raptor Strike, which then unlocks a powerful Mongoose Bite as your 4th attack.
  4. I’d love to hear other suggestions…? :slight_smile:

Unfortunitaly, we are SO CLOSE to pre-patch, that hopes for any other changes, are gone…

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I would like the possibility of MF being a Raptor Strike enhancer.
It could put a debuff on the target, that increases all damage dealt to the target instead of only ramping its own damage.

That way we had a reason for us to actually WANT to press MF/RS.

Another thing they could do for us to finally be relevant in raids is changing Mark into increasing all damage to the target while above 80% and below 20% HP. That way we would buff at pull and during burn.

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You are overthinking it like i did,
I’ve been testing since Week 1 of the rework and as of right now I can safely say Mongoose Bite and RS are both filler abilities and are only punishing if you spam them too much and we don’t play around them anymore.
The Designer has said they don’t want to make players to stack Mongoose Fury and use TotS on them like on DF, our Core damaging abilities are like WFBs, FotE, and Explosive Shots, so don’t worry about Mongoose Fury window unless it gets changed back.

Since we don’t have Sims working yet here is some numbers to prove my point on Beta:
WFB does; 204k direct + 215k DoT + 40% extra damage in ST = 586k
MB does; 358k at 5 stacks - 30% armor since its physical = 250k (not to mention the focus cost of building 5 stacks that’s why Bloodyclaw feels good as a talent now)

The 10 seconds MB was just Raptor Strike with a red icon and there was a Talent in Legion similar to that which everyone hated, so it was a good decision they reverted MF to it’s original.
We have choices now we can play Talents like QuickShot, Sic 'Em or just talent into Mongoose Bite and don’t even think about tracking it most of our talents are Bonus damages with small playstyle adjustments our new rotation is to manage our Focus and Prioritizing using TotS before our hard hitting abilities.

I hope this was helpful to anyone who is trying the new rework and hates MB/MF.


That is the 40% extra damage. You added on an additional 40% on top of the 40% buff for ST. So it is actually 419k

The Mongoose Fury revert of the revert is still bad tbh. If it is a fire and forget focus dump, then why not just leave us with Raptor and be done with it. Or do what has been suggested and allow us a use of a hard hitting ability at 3 stacks of mongoose fury where Raptor generates charges. That way we could prioritise that hard hitting ability (Mongoose Bite) to hit with a ToTS buff, and keep Raptor to spam outside of ToTS buffs, so we hit Bombs, MB and ES exclusively for ToTS.

Their design choices are HELLA lazy.

Nope it was correct you can test it yourself, the tooltip says it deals 40% damage to your primary target.

And i tested it again just to make sure, I took my gear out so it doesn’t crit this was the result:
Tooltip: 42946 Direct + 45069 DoT = 88015
Combat Log in ST: 60728 Direct + 63096 DoT = 124024

so nothing to be said here Bombs hit really hard in ST.

We already have Sic’ Em for that which is Uninspiring and lame but it works, if you are running Pack Leader with lots of crit the extra 15% crit damage +25% Kill Shot crit damage +CA 20% damage+ TotS avg 20% + Ranger 20% damage, it hit’s really hard and combining that with Culling the Herd 30% bleed that’s a hard hitting ability to spend TotS on, atleast in PvE.

IMO with this new design the 5 stack Mongoose Fury is better than the 3 stacks version, It just needs better tuning since it allows you to use other abilities during MF window

Our biggest problem is that we are relying on our Pets too much and Pet AI is really bad, I was testing Dawnbreaker and the last boss was on a moving flying ship and it felt like my pet was being captured by Aliens everytime the flying ship turned around and I had to resummon it over and over and I was doing no damage without my pet.
Not to mention our Secondary stats is going to be All over the place with the new Mastery we heavily rely on Haste and Crit now Mastery is really important which is going to cause some issues.

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