SW stockade bots like ANTS

They can but don’t want, because bots pay sub. It is very easy to detect hack. The reason why they don’t detect is easy, it is more money for them if they ban bots every 2-3 days but they still pay sub every 2-3 days because they farm more. If flyhack will be insta-ban they won’t pay sub it’s less money for blizz. It is really the only reason because detecting flyhack for multi-billion company is very easy. It’s a shame if multi-billion company really can’t detect hack on server side. Botters hacking client side but they can’t hack server and on server side blizz can check anything they want and it’s really easy to detect

Yes now they really ban bots faster then before. But their goal is not kill botting, their goal is make more money, because now botters paying new sub every 2-3 days after bann, but they still make profit, and blizz also make more money. If blizz fix flyhack (instant detect) those bots just stop paying sub. So it is ONLY real reason why they dont instant detect flyhack. Because if they want to detect hack on server side, it is really easy to do. They just don’t want to insta detect it and only reason is money nothing else.

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If they could they would, they ban lots of bots a month.

That old chestnut, it’s fake news. You do know that bots don’t pay anything for their subs, they buy tokens or even use stolen credit cards.

I don’t understand how that many bots (I would say between 0.5 and 1 bots/s) can run in Stormwind while they are supposed to ‘hide’ like in a mouse/cat scenario.
Hurting an organisation make them loss, they will come back and use other stolen credit card, that’s a fact but it will slower the process, make them lose money du to time (stealing CG is time, leveling is time, gold on their current banned character is time) to slower their benefice by taking direct actions.

Despite that they still value doing it in plain sight probably meaning they are still in a win/loose situation du to the automations of both process.

But where it is a BIG L for the supposed cat is players can see this and it is ‘a fiasta’.

it’s different things, buy after they earn enough money to pay next account and ban after they start hacking. First type of bans not solve problem and only goal of those bans is earn more money for blizz (bot profit remain the same, faster bans = higher gold price), second type of bans solve problem but blizz dont do it because bots stop paying sub in that case.

It’s not true. They pay with turkish cards, yes it’s less money then full sub but it’s still good money. They dont pay with stolen cards it’s fake info, they dont have enough stolen cards to pay for all accounts. ABout tokens - you can’t use them for 1st month of sub. Just find any bot community (many of them public), and you will find a lot of resellers of turkish sub and virtual cards (virtual doesn’t mean stolen).

  1. They (at least most of them) dont use stolen cards, they use legal turkish virtual cards as i stated above
  2. More difficulties but not complete hack fix = higher gold price and more profit for bot.

Thats a bit extreme for hobby activity dont you think?
I dont cheat and i hate cheaters but i wouldn’t want any of this a part of my gaming exp.
Its enough that i am bombarded with cookie popups i have to decline every time i want to use internet

It’s just a verification you have to do once. After that your Gaming ID is created and you can just log in.
It’s the same as with prepaid mobile phone cards…nowadays you have to do a video call authentification and hold your passport/identity card next to your face and an employee of the company has to manually check that you are indeed the person on the identity card and that the data on the card match those that you used for creating the account.

It’s a one time thing as said.
But this one time thing can solve so many problems the whole gaming world faces with cheating/botting/hacking…take for example how fast Botter create new WoW Accounts and how many they run at the same time.
Problem solved with this.

It’s almost no effort for a real player to verify himself once. But just imagine the effort for a professional botter to verify himself hundred times…and first he needs to get fake identity cards etc.

I mean you want to give your personal information to the whole world? I dont.

First: It’s your Gaming ID, not your Nickname.
Second: You already have to do when creating an account. Everyone has to fill in his/her name when creating an account. All this authentification process does is to verify if that data is actually true.
Third: As said this authentification is already in-practice for prepaid card activation. I haven’t heard the protests on that one before…nor any negative cases after.

So: Yes. If i have to choose to just validate my already given data or to play on servers where botters can create new accounts within 60 seconds…i choose to validate my already given data.

How would this go away immediately?

2FA can be automated away by botters and at best it will slow them down a few days until they have a patch for their software.
Simply have a 2FA software in the bot to check the code and enter it on login, not much more than that.

Far from it, if anything it hurts blizzard.
They buy very cheap gametime in developing countries, so the profit is minimal.
The amount of server time and cloud processing time they take from being online 24 hours a day costs more than their sub.

Maybe it looks good to have more players, but if the financials of having less players is more profitable, they would go with that.

These stockade bots are wild, boosting everybody’s alts for free and they get to take all the loot too.


Actually they could have made 2FA/Authenticator only realm, or even realm for people who ready to verify their real identity, so whoever is afraid for their personal info can play on basic realms and people who care can play on verified realms.

Also people seems to not understand that verifying ur real identity doesn’t mean they have to store info about u, only the fact that u have been verified…

There are some third party companies that provide online passport verification services for other companies, for example https://withpersona.com/blog/passport-verification.

But yeah. They don’t really care that much, if they REALLY cared, they would have already tried several solutions, fixing problem is spending money, if spending money do not bring more money, then there is no point in it for corporate companies.

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it is about 50% of normal sub so it is still good money. Turkey sub (cheapest in eu) is about 7$ it is still good money for blizz. ANd bots get bann in some days or some weeks (depending of farm location, stockade bots live 2-3 days average, open world maybe some weeks) so they paying this sub multiple times per month per only 1 tab. So total blizz profiting from them more then from real players

the amount of server and processing time per 1 player costs nearly zero compared to sub cost. All data about your character on blizzard server side is about some kilobytes, 1000 bots characters some megabytes, some megabytes is nothing compared to some thousand $$. You can buy good 1 TB ssd for about 50-100$, so 1GB costs less then 0.1$, 1MB less then 0.0001$. Also you can apply almost same mathematics to processing time.

Banning bots don’t work, what will work is start banning the gold BUYERS. If you risk a permaban for buying gold, demand will be DRASTICALLY lowered. And when demand goes down, so does supply.

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Comparing only storage.
Proving that you have no idea what or how cloud computing works, network transfer costs, cpu time, so on and forth.

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It costs a lot less then sub anyway. WoW with monthly sub is very expencive game compared to some other MMORPG, even if we count sub as 7$ in developing countries, it is very good profit for blizz.

If you only care about the profits, maybe you forget what happens when you ban someone.
They make a new account, paying a new sub fee.

So if you ban a bot every week you make 4x the sub fee from that one bot.
If you ban bots every month you make 1x.

Now tell me again how they make more money from not banning bots?

You dont see the point. Yes they ban bots fast now. And yes they pay sub again. But they still profiting a lot even with bans, and blizz also profiting a lot. My suggestion was to INSTA detect flyhack on server side (all dungeon bots, the most profitable type of bots for now, are fly hacking in dungeon). It is possible to insta detect flyhack on server side and it is easy but why blizz not doing this? Because those bots will just stop paying sub with insta hack detection. And profit for blizz is not INSTA detect hack, but let them farm for 3-4 days and then ban so they buy new sub. Yes we will still have open world bot and it is harder to fast detect them (but also possible because they hard scripted using same logic, not AI at least for now, so it is still possible to bann them while leveling before they start getting any profit), but at least it will be the end for all dungeon bots farming and infalting gold without competition.

Oh yeah, some company figures out some stupid rules like automated report system that get you false auto banned a d boom you can’t access your games anywhere else. No ty.

The solution is to ban all gold buyers forever.