As the tooltip says only single attack abilities are affected by this. I find AOE of Arms already lackluster compared to fury so it was a sad discovery.
How do you guys feel about this? Isn’t it weird that Blizzard decided that sweeping strikes would not include auto attacks?
Arms is currently outperforming Fury on mass AoE and on 2 target cleave. Fury could be stronger on 5 target, it being their niche, but that is by a paperthin margin if at all. Take a look at
This is a 4cleave target boss and arms is winning.
The more targets, the more Arms goes ahead. The less targets, the more arms gets ahead. If you check mythic+ listings, you will see that arms is prefered over fury almost every week. This because arms does more damage (even if Fury got better selfsustain and durability). You might see more Fury warriors on the weeks where mobs die too fast to get arms value or the selfsustain is quite helpful (like grevious weeks), but if you bring the max damage arms will be the choice to bring.
Funilly enough, arms weakness over fury is the ability to do ST damage in M+. So arms is better at AoE, but then lack ST. Fury does both, worse than a specialised Arms - yet still does both at the same time even so.
What I guess is happening is that you currently do not have the gear to get the ‘cleave, ability, cleave, ability, cleave’ rotation going on your arms warrior. Or perhaps, you are doing low keys where mobs die before arms can get off it’s openers.
When it comes to sweeping, it’s powerlevel is already off the charts and only buff to it I think anyone would want to see is it getting off the GCD.
Hope this sheds some light on the situation and allows you to feel a bit better about arms AoE.
Which attacks “use” the SS effect? For example does OP work with SS? I guess Cleave doesnt but does it stop you from spamming Cleave / WW / OP while having SS active?