You talking about the awesome pvp community events he did? He purposefully crashed a realm, lol? You are aware the Blizzard servers are awful? You bring a group of people to do a 40man+ world pvp raiding for the achievements that actually requires a large group of people. Have you ever done world pvp? You are aware the lag is so bad the game is basically unplayable.
But, let’s blame the player and not Blizzard. Also, I imagine being a lawyer requires a little bit of intelligence, so you didn’t need to say ‘I am not a lawyer’, because that was obvious from everything you just said LOL
Swifty has worked so hard for years, and built a community around this game.
A community that still subs and plays to this day.
It’s embarrassing throwing him off over PR. I hope it gets reverted.
It’s innocent until proven guilty not the other way around.
Justice for Swifty!
Good that you at least realize that your opinion on the subject matter is worthless in determining any sort of conclusion on the validity on these claims.
I was never trying to determine the validity of these claims. I was making the point that the removal of an NPC isn’t an indictment either way it is just a digital way of putting someone on suspension until the matter has been reolved.
I was also trying to make the point that just because these people have a ‘good guy’ online persona doesn’t make them that in real life. We have plenty of people over the years who have been guilty but prior to it all coming to light have been of the ‘oh I can’t believe it is true about X because they are such a nice person’.
As Brigante has said in numerous replies on various topics about this none of us knows the facts and if wee did we couldn’t put them on a public forum in any case.
Don’t i just know it, so many people don’t come forward on both sides for fear of being ridiculed however men are far more easily judged for being the victim of abuse.
Weather he is guilty or not it’s not for me to say however the rationale behind and the way the info has been written points more towards taks insinuations to be fabricated at least in part, it happens alot in relationships for some people they can;t move on or accept their own failings or bad decisions and then seek to bring others down because they are in pain.
A big part of the problem these days is the advent of social media to almost every facet of our daily lives, it doesn’t really matter if he’s exonnerated or not the mere accusation of such a thing has lasting consequences for years to come, there will always be “thick” people who need to feel like they belong to something or that they are doing some good who will be vigilantes and act on incorrect or misrepresented information. it only takes one moron to take action into their own hands meteing out justice as they see fit.
I know somebody personally well knew, who had dealt with false allegations of rape from an ex-partner. despite being proved innocent he always had that label, lost his house the pub he owned and everything. ended up taking his own life a couple of years back because of the mass amount of abuse he was always receiving, smashed windows, vandalism of property etc…
Then again one of the devs back in Mop or Cata said this was good to test servers,and even back in Wrath Swifty was the guy they called for to make stress tests happen and organize the community.
Even so it is couple of hours in a 30 days of someones game time,people just want to overblow stuff to get some tracking narrative.
I’m not responding to Brigante, I’m responding to you.
Nor does it mean they don’t fit the bill of said ‘persona’.
Swifty has been nothing but consistent since Classic WoW in his personality. You cannot fault people for finding the accusations dodgy. Of course it can be true, but one way or another, neither you, nor I can determine the validity of the claim based off of how well we know the guy, so why would you? Many fans of Swifty have a real association with him: The guy invited people to his home for a good while.
cancel culture and slander parades fuel suspicions in the opposite direction that the accusations are nothing but defamation of his name, just like you can find ‘evidence’ of him being a creep if you want to. Our feelings on the subject matter should not be taken into account because this is a real person whose career is being direly affected. And for what? So we can fuel our lust for drama?
A) Thats not the instance I was talking about, you mean he’s done this to other servers as well?
B) Pretty sure Argent Dawn is a roleplay realm. I was there when him and his chuckleheads rolled in.
C) Pretty sure yelling homophobic slurs about RP’ers and shouting words of praise for a certain Austrian chap with a silly moustache is regarded as abusive.
D) even if that video isn’t showing the Argent Dawn one (I thought it was to start with as that was Stormwind as well) That is still the behaviour of a colossal douchecanoe with an ego far too large for his own good.
E) Thats not how you stress test your own products. You do that -yourselves- or at least organise it yourselves, in a controlled environment so you can objectively watch when things start to break and make notes accordingly. Trust me, I’ve done Test to destruction procedures, and they aren’t that simple “Swifty was testing the servers as a Stress Test!” “Sure he was, how many people in one place at the exact time the servers crashed did he have?” “Umm, Lots!” “Ahuh, how many real players on the realm were there in the same place at that exact time?” “Uhh, Some, Lots maybe?”
Yeah. That is not how you perform an accurate stress test.
As for “Know your facts right son”
Given that I am middle aged, and my parents were Baby Boomers, if you’re calling me Son, then I legitimately reply to you;
“OK Boomer”
and be factually accurate when doing so, for possibly the first time since that term was ever used on the Internet!
-If- one of the devs said that, then I hope they were swiftly removed from their position afterwards as that is -not- how you carry out such exercises, which -have- to actually be pretty scientifically regimented, otherwise they are useless for the actual purpose of collecting data, which is the -point- of a stress test. You have to know at what -point- the crisis event happens, otherwise its just pointless even doing it.
I also really doubt Blizzard did call for Swifty when they wanted a stress test, and if they did, then Blizzard have some -SERIOUS- questions to answer about why they outsourced to a freelancer with fans with Neonaughty tendencies, Anti Semiticism, racist and Homophobic views, and why they didn’t pull the plug on this apparent Stress Test. (Which they would have been observing as it happened else there is no -point-)
I’m pretty sure Blizzard would not allow Stress Tests where people are yelling 'Heil (You know who).
So to be honest, this claim that they were actually working for Blizz, is complete Rubbish, unless you are implying that Blizzard as a company has some pretty extremist views, some of which are illegal in its home State of California?
Did you honestly try to use that line seriously? WoW, I’m seeing someone who doesn’t attend education or work for a living here.
OK, lets break that down for you.
You say 30 days.
OK, the Average Gamer is probably older than you think, as people my age grew up with the first computer games (But before the Internet) and I know there are older WoW players than me. Lets play it a low average and go with say, 27 years old?
By that age, most people will be working, unless circumstances indicate otherwise. So taking your 30 days, or 720 hours, and assuming a 9-5 job (I know, what a hilarious idea that working hours are so short!) and assuming that they only work Monday to Friday (Again, ridiculous in this day and age), Thats eight hours a day, or Forty hours a week, or 160 hours out of those 720 you talk of. So you’re left with 560 hours right?
You can see where this is going. So, Very few people (Ironically I do) work from home in the greater scheme of things, so are employed. Because of the industrialisation of society this means you will need to commute. Whether by car or train/bus. Now lets be -uber charitable- and say that each day’s Round commute is going to take just one hour each day, which is a ridiculously small figure, but lets be fair. So thats assuming that same working week, so thats 22 hours out of that original figure, That now brings us down to 538 hours.
Now given the average age of gamers these days, we do actually need our sleep generally about eight hours a night. Thats another 160 hours out of your time for playing, so thats now down to 378 hours.
The average human spends about two hours each day in the preparation and consumption of food. so thats another 60 hours out of your 30 days, thats down to 318 hours. By that age, you are likely in either a long term co-habiting relationship or married. You have to invest emotionally, and in terms of time, very few spouses will put up with a relationship where you spend zero hours with them. Its impossible to put a base time on that because all relationships are different, but lets assume that over total time per day, your partner is happy with just 3 hours of physical presence from you (I’m not advocating that as a lifestyle tip just to add, but lets assume you and your partner have an extremely low maintenance relationship, so lets knock another 90 hours off, So 228 hours left.
Lets assume you meet up with friends once a week to spend a couple of hours down the pub, or catching a movie, so lets get rid of that pesky ‘8’ and bring that figure down to 220 hours.
You might have children, again, they need ‘you’ time, lets give that a low figure, of an hour a day of you alone, as presumably your partner shares in child rearing, Thats now down to 190 hours.
Then lets assume that you don’t either live in a cave, or have nanorobots doing all the household chores, lets knock that off too, so you’re now down to 160 hours.
So thats your leisure time, 160 hours. So basically six and a half days. Not Thirty.
Now assuming you spend every free hour playing WoW (If you do, seriously, get a different hobby!) and then some Yahoo comes along with a band of unpleasant followers and eats up a couple of hours of that time for no real reason, are you telling me you wouldn’t get annoyed, especially if that was Raid night?
So don’t give me this 30 days rubbish. That is not how much time the average gamer has to play Wow each month.
In fact I’d go further. -No One- has 30 days a month to play WoW, anyone who says they do, is a liar. A Human being would be dead if they tried to follow that regimen. Literally dead. We cannot live that long without sleep or food. We’d also find ourselves without a partner and presumably child as they would have been taken away due to emotional cruelty, and without a job you can’t really afford luxuries like an Internet connection or a game subscription.
You might have one night set aside when you and your guildies have arranged with their other halves and such that it is ‘gaming night’ and the one time when you collectively meet up and raid the latest content.
Then the Clown brigade invades the server.
So yeah. Utter rubbish behaviour by these types of Streamers, unnecessary and utterly rubbish. Its basically a DDOS, and I don’t see anyone supporting those by saying “Its only a few hours”
As always, the usual caveat’s I am not commenting upon the current accusations made, as I am not well informed enough to assume guilt or innocence, as I remind you, none of us are. I am purely on about this specious idea that previous acts he -has- committed- were somehow OK.
Nah, they weren’t. They were still the acts of a complete Douchecanoe.