Well Maul is single target… So it completely depends on how many targets you’re fighting that decides what the best move is. But under AOE conditions Raze is the best way to spend your Rage.
Especially if you’re not even tanking but are busy solo’ing and doing WQ’s, at that point you don’t even have to keep iron fur up.
I’d just dump everything in raze as soon as you’re on 2 or more targets.
What is relevant, is that Raze only works in front of a cone of you, so if you’re like me and running around gathering a whole pack of mobs, you use swipe till you got them in a neat little package in front of you. Then you start using Raze.
Tooth and Claw procs make Raze free, deal more damage and place the 15% damage debuff on your enemies. When it comes to survival you pretty much only use procced Raze to keep the debuff up, everything else goes into Ironfur so you don’ get beaten to a pulp. Thrash and (procced) Moonfire and and (procced) Raze should be more than enough to keep up aggro. Swipe can help to pick up adds that spawn during bossfigths, but Moonfire is good for that too. Of course if you just need to keep AoE damage and aggro up Swipe is still and easy and cheap option depending on the situation and cooldown availibility.