Switch flight style?

Is it global for all mounts or we can make it mount specific? Because it SHOULD be mount specific, right??


I hope it is mount specific. Otherwise it is bad

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It’s global. You get a single button in your mount journal to switch between flying types, which can be placed on your action bars.

Switching has a 5 second cast time.

It’s a mode, so you toggle into skyriding or into slow flap.

You will see in the prepatch they’ve updated just about every flying mount to be able to skyride.

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Bad idea!!


Is it Account Wide?
If Gram is doing TWW campaign and need sky riding will my other chars have to be on it too?

Not that a 5 sec cast is overly burdensome, it’s meh…

You have sky riding from the start

I mean the setting for which type of flying you’re using.
Can one character be using normal flying (my preference) in older content while another character in TWW is using sky riding (since Bliz are forcing us to use vomit flying instead of proper flying until we unlock pathfinder in TWW).

There’s plenty of mounts that won’t have the dynamic flying, so just have the two macro’d via modifiers like I currently do.

According to a poster above these will be grounded if Dragon Riding is selected.
And if proper flying is selected the Dragon Riding only mount become normal flying mounts.

Seems a strange way to do it but meh.

Really…? :neutral_face:

Not played Beta so I’m basing this on what was said above in this thread.
But knowing how Bliz do things I believe them. Bliz can’t just have a simple system where Dragon Riding Mounts are always Dragon Riding mount and Non-capable of Dragon Riding just remain standard flying mounts and the rest can be whatever is selected in the mount window.
This seem intuitively how it should work to me. I would have thought the same as you, that Dragon Riding non-capable mounts would just stay as they are now, seems logical but not for bliz.

So… it turned out to be as expected…

Blizzardo… This is one of the worst changes ever. :clown_face:


I have a problem when I create new alts. When dinging lvl 10, I can’t switch to steady flight due to “you have not learned this spell”… But clearly the low lvl has learned all the spell and skills for dragon riding. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: On all other chars I can switch flying style, but not on new ones. Foxtrot Uniform Bravo. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Steady flight doesn’t unlock until level 30 now. Skyriding is the new default for everyone