Sword vs Daggers for rogue pvp

I have a question regarding sub rogue weapon choice in pvp.

So with assasination it is quite simple - you need double daggers for Mutilate, for sub rogues it’s not that obvious though.

What set of weapons should I use as rogue? Right now I am using Dagger in the MH and Sword in the OH and I am not sure whether it is optimal for sub.

Can someone tell me why using X over Y?


As a Sub in the current expansion - in practice - you have no other choice, but to use a dagger in main hand ( in off hand you can use a dagger or any other 1h weapon), because basic combo gainer abilities like shadowstrike or backstab requires only a dagger to be used in the first place.

Dagger MH, weapon with highest vers/mastery stats is what I would use in OH as sub.

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