Sylvanas but chose Saurfang..... By accident!

yeah it kinda sucks, i made the wrong choice on my forsaken alt as well.

i wish i could undo this as well


The horde story is going to pot because blizzard can’t write a good faction war story without making one (mostly horde) of the factions the bad guys.

Doesn’t matter if Sylv and Nathanos die, next time blizz decides they want to do a faction war, the same thing is gonna happen but just with other characters.

but on the bright side you will help sauronfang extracting the cancer sylvanas from azeroth

nah the only cancer is saurfang and his sicking honor we’ll be blighting your mountain next Dwarf … a coward that that won’t issue a mak’gora has no honor just like that weakling vol’jin he will rise a rebellion rather then behave like a proper orc


Odd that they would change that then.

If you got both next to each other it makes it obvious that you choose one or the other.

Wouldn’t be the first time Blizz added or removed something just because.

I expect that toy to be the only thing you guys get out of this. They’ll kill/remove Sylvanas one way or the other if that’s what they want.
They’ve moved further and further away from the RPG part of WoW for years now.

Indeed… You probably only get a choice so that the Sylvanas fans don’t explode if they can’t stick by her.
The end result will probably be the same.

The writers can barely handle juggling one ball at a time. I dread to think what they’ll do if they have to keep two in the air at the same time.


Antoher post to make the Devs hear our call:

Please, if you are interested in fixing this choice, join your voice too! Just leave a reply and a like!


I did the same mistake and noticed after turning the quest in.
Abandoned the Saurfang saving quest and now no NPC spawns in swamp of sorrows
Oh well, won’t be a traitor then \o/
Was planning on switching mains anyway, so will be careful next time.


My words here. Follow, like, replay if you intrested in the cause.


This is BS, how is this even a thing? I knew there was an issue in not getting a warning, but I figured there was some kind of clear choice to make. Not wanting to get spoilers I didn’t look it up, but WTF is getting half way through a quest chain before it pushes you into a choice that isn’t even a choice?

So you complete the tracking quest, troll shows up and says you’re going to find Surfang, seems simple enough as you assume you’ll locate him then report back to Sylvanas or slay him as the final boss of the quest chain.

This is awful quest design. It’s barely inferred that you’re making a choice and reading back over the quest dialogue, it’s intentionally misleading. By the time you figure out that the quest isn’t leading you where it logically should in a choice scenario, you’re locked in with no way of turning it around? That’s utter BS.

Quest abandoned and at this point, I really don’t care if I can’t pick it up again.


picking saurfang. No warnings, no take backs. no nothing.


Picking Saurfang: Gives you a toy.

Picking Sylvanas: Yea goodluck with that.

Picking Saurfang : Follow the questline.

Picking Sylvanas: In the middle of a questline, you need to click a speech bubble that you’ll most likely miss if you didn’t know about it in the first place.

Yea definitely a good balanced choice from blizzard.

And to think i was actually hyped for this terribly designed questline.


ResidentSleeper Banshee lady followers crying.

Even if, as they say, they cannot undo the choice it can still be fixed. Build on the saurfang side with the option to return after turning on him saying you did x/y/z to gain his trust.

Then do some stuff to demonstrate she can trust you, maybe a nice long rep farm to keep you paying and playing, they’ll like that.

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Or just put in an Option where you can side with the dark ranger in “a warriors death” so that there are two points where you have to make a choice!!


FWIW. On my 'Lock Troll - I read the quest fully and understood it AND THEN CHOSE Saurfang! Because I hate the dishonourable, back stabbing undead b-itch Sylvanas. Simple.

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I don’t normally post but this also happened me and I am pretty annoyed. I have played this Undead character since Burning Crusade and always had an affinity with Sylvanas . I was just doing the quests as normal and before I knew it I was suddenly betraying The Banshee Queen.

I never saw any choice whatsoever. It is very disappointing to say the least and I hope Blizzard can rectify this.


Oh my God.
Glad I’m seeing this, basically, when that troll appeared for his quest I was like “f— off, I’m going to Zuldazar enhance my gear, enough quests”.
Thank goodness I see this thread, I support Sylvanas unless someone really really catches my interest more, could be, for some reason, another Windrunner mh.
But I actually think Sylvanas is a great Horde leader, yeah, her means aren’t always “right”, but it’s the Horde, the side seen as the bad one, the most extreme one in its actions. I think she embodies that well.
I don’t want to be ruled by an Orc in a swamp prob singing that Shrek song every morning.

However, for people “tricked” into the wrong decision, I hope they put a fix, like a way of backstabbing Saurfang just because of how unclear it seemed to many.

Rushed back there to say I won’t betray her to that troll !

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It’s official, Horde is definitly not about honor anymore


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Wait wait…

There is a choice and it has consequences???

Never noticed it. Thats bc i never read quests. Dont care 1 bit about ‘the lore’.

So i did it with my horde main yesterday. I remember a troll popping up so i continued with that. Kinda wondered why i had to defend the orc against undead, since my horde main is undead.

So will my computer explode now, or what?

There’s no honor in death, ask the many Alliance crybabies acting tough now that they feel more comfy in pvp

Game-Master: I know how important the game is to you, its very important to me as well as a gamer, so please do get your voice heard by using the ingame suggestion tool.
One of Game-Master told me this, So please, Everyone do it. Maybe this method works.

@DEVELOPERS. The community demands a change and an answer! Step out and be responsible for what you did!