I have a gut feeling that Sylvanas will be boss in the last major patch of Shadowlands .
What makes you think that? The fact that her new model screams “evil raid boss, look at my death-colored spikes” or the fact that she is serving an ancient evil who seeks to consume the entire cosmos (as Blizzard stated multiple times)?
Regardless she won’t be a boss in the final patch, because Blizzard already said that the Jailer is the final boss of the expansion, as they wanted to return to WotLK/Cata-like expansions where the final boss is clear from the start.
If say Jailer is last boss. So sure Sylvanas early boss.
Let me murder her for what she did betrayed Horde.
Hopefully we’ll be finally rid of this husk of a character.
It was already confirmed that the Jailer is the last boss of Shadowlands. I think Sylvanas can play a role in the fight somehow, have something to do with the fight but no idea how. Hell, they can even play the Arthas card again at the end like they did with the Bastion cinematic. I hope not but i can see it happening.
Dark Lady Watch Over You
If players will have the chance to kill Sylvanas next expansion in my opinion It won’t matter.
Players will kill Sylvanas just to give Blizzard another opportunity to bring her back again, now redeem.
`member Black Temple? Didn’t stop them from bringing Illidan back as the good guy.
I hope she doesn’t end up as a raid boss and if she does I hope they show her the same courtesy as Jaina and let her just escape unharmed.
I have a feeling she won’t die, and we are heading for another Kerrigan-style “redemption”. Because Blizzard.
Literally the cringiest end to a story I have seen, and I think they want to top that.
Whether she dies or not, I doubt we will see her again after this expansion. She will probably ride off in to the sunset on a giant bunny after doing one good thing.
Yeah, we were just not prepared.
Hahaha you must be joking, you can’t seriously think that a miserable little banshee is as powerful and proficient in teleportation magic as Jaina Proudmoore, the legendary mage and former leader of the Kirin Tor, the archmage who can teleport entire armies! You should be thankful that you even got the chance to lay A FINGER on her.
She managed fine outside Orgrimmar, I think she’ll do fine in a raid.
Plot armor, in truth Jaina could have easily freezed Sylvanas and then impaled her with an icicle (she could’ve done the same at Lordaeron), but Blizzard nerfed her because they hate Jaina.
I think u missed the part where all the deaths happening in BfA made her stronger.
I dont think sylvanas will die, she has her escape plan ready, she knows us for years and knows the way we fight.
I think it’s Sylvanas who’ll get betrayed by the Jailer, she might not die but will definitely have her massive ego bruised. Maybe she’ll escape and say something along the lines of “this isn’t over heroes!!!” and we won’t see her again for a bit.
We should execute all Sylvannas sympathizers tbh, or hand them over to the Alliance.