Sylvanas death?

In elwyn forest , near the wolf quest giver and kobold quest

Sylvanas deserves her subscription to expire and then someone buys her SL and an extra 30 days game time so she has to keep playing…lol. Dark Lady watch, play and suffer!!!

Don’t worry she will be redeemed as the kerrigan of the warcraft universe. She probably will end up taking over azeroths body ensuring peace once more,. etcetcetc.

because i dont trust blizzes writing capabilities

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all you plebs wishing on the dark ladies death will be thrown into the maw :fox_face:

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Mate. We defeated old gods and Titans. Jaina is nothing compared to the bigger stuff that the players had to deal with. Without her alliance biased plot armor she would have died in her raid fight.

You defeated Old Gods and titans because they are weaker than Jaina, that’s why they got defeated.

Lmao talking about delusion. You’re full of it.

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For the Dark Lady…Always!

“I’ve walked the realms of the dead. I have seen the infinite dark. Nothing you say. Or do. Could possibly frighten me.”-Lady Sylvanas


Your printed Jaina picture dried up. You are ready to release the extra energy that u would spend here posting nonsense.

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Ok unemployed loser who’s got nothing better to do in his life than spam threads on a forum and getting banned on said forum.

At least my favorite character is not a writers pet. And no I am not talking about Sylvanas.

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Sorry to break your bubble.

Sure Jaina is in the top 3 list when it comes to mages, And sure her powers are
" Almost divine " as you said.

But Sylvanas have the power of the Maw, and it’s grown way stronger since mid Legion.

So i’m sorry to say, but no Jaina couldn’t have beated Sylvanas in the War campaign Cinematic outside of OG.

The Maw Covenant Ability which she used against Varok could easily break Jaina’s Ice Block.

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Jaina pales in comparison to both Aggramar and Argus as well as to any unleashed old gods (from whom we only seemingly defeated one). Any of the Titans we faced (aggramar and Argus) had enough power to cleave a planet in half.

Jaina without the focusing iris is also not as brokenly OP and even Khadgar could stomp her because shes a combat amateur. Not to mention Thrall prior to the Elements abandoning him was miles ahead of her in terms of power even when she wield the focusing iris and only had the upper hand against Thrall because he refused to hurt her, and a reason why Kalec intervened as to prevent Thrall from blasting her to orbit should she truely have executed her plan to flood Orgrimmar.

As for Sylvanas: Jaina doesnt even know what type of magic she was using against Saurfang, being completely in the dark as how to battle her on a magic level, while sylvanas is fully aware of Jainas power. Khadgar would have had a better chance to battle her as he possesses far more knowledge in regards of magic as Jaina does as to come up with a potential strategy.

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To be honest I’m just honoured that you joined the forums just to reply to me.

tyrande should kill her

Wut? :joy:

I’ve been on the forums for years haha

Sounds like a dream come true

Somehow, I’m not getting the feeling that we’re going to fight the jailer.

He seems more like a sargeras thing. Guy in the back of everything, who just looks and orders stuff while not actually fighting himself.

Maybe, by the end of shadowlands, we defeat sylvanas but fail to stop him from escaping the maw. And he goes after titans or some other big shot. A story for the next expansion.

Are…are you going to be alright?

Jaina is the most powerful human female mage. That is all that is stated about her power level. So that’s only actually a few people it is stating she is more powerful than.

I’m not sure you would want that, given what divinities exist around Azeroth, are you sure that is the word you meant? Rest of the Alliance would kill her off pretty quick for either Blasphemy or Old God Corruption. Take yer pick.

How? Even Jaina has to cast spells, because she is not quite as good as Elven Magi who can just click a finger, I think Sylvanas would have time to change her state from Physical to gaseous in that time (And I -hate- Sylvanas, about as much as I hate Jaina, they are both pathetic examples as to how Blizzard seems unable to write female characters)

Yeah, sure thing. They really hate her. She gets magics that don’t make sense, one of the chief creatives has said she favour’s Jaina as a character, they won’t let her die, and your complaint is that her stupid powers that make -NO LORE SENSE- are suddenly disallowed?

Gee, could this be like what happened to the Vindicaar when they realised how stupid it was? Or Malfurion, when they realised that having a Demi-God on one of the factions was a stupid idea, could it possibly be, that they should stop making ridiculously over the top characters and items for Alliance, and concentrate on decent characterisation? (Yes, Sylvanas is included in that even though Horde, she is thoroughly ridiculous, but at least has more lore reason than Jaina)


Yeah, she really ain’t all that. Would have been cool if she could have used her powers for the common good, instead of behaving like a spoilt teenager despite being in her late 30’s by now. I mean come on, even by your standards this is low tier…

Problem is, we know that she is frightened of something, or we wouldn’t be going to Shadowlands, because otherwise her motives make zero sense.

OK, that’s creepy? are you admitting to being a stalker? I don’t agree with things Erevien says, but stalking them and finding out real life details, that is a bit next level, wouldn’t you say? Is this the day in the life of a Jaina Fanatic?

Because that is well creepy…

I can see Blizzard turning Sylvanas into another Kerrigan. She could be herself trying to overthrow the Jailor to free the mortal worlds from the worst fate of being sent to the Maw, and we could end up as reluctant allies.

Not saying that’s good storytelling (depends on the execution), just saying it would be very Blizzard to do that, and it would explain why she said “And I will set us all free” in the cinematic.

EDIT: Apparently a few folks in this thread seem to be thinking the same thing. I guess I feel validated :slight_smile: