Sylvanas destroying the lich king's helm?

It was established that icecrown citadel was the link between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Destroying the helm likely breaks that link and creates the portal.

She had that power on the Broken shore with all the backup in the world and just ran from Gul’dan and his petty pets? But roflstomping LK on the Frozen throne with all his army somehow makes sense then?


So what happens to the scourge now? They gonna run rampant as the last King of Lorderon forsaw or are they just not a threat anymore?

There must always be Lich King? Well i meant for 10 years.


What did she do AFTER the Broken Shore? Doing shady stuff and making deals… next she spend the entirety of BFA getting more power AND making a deal with Azshara + Xal’atath and now you’re saying she was this powerful on the Broken Shore…?!


I have been wondering about this too, will Bolvar somehow remain in control of them or?!

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Sylvanas soloed the Scourge before she beat Bolvar.

No im wondering how she turned from a scarred little Warchief too the most powerful being in the warcraft universe in 2 years? I mean she had those ‘death arrows’ on the Broken shore. LK has the power of KJ and Ner’zul no?


i agree with you even the legion feared how powerful arthas had become and left him alone. i can see sylvanas doing what she did to bolvar with her new powers but she would definately think twice if it was still arthas sitting on that throne

The whole lore behind the frozen throne is about the scourge. Kil’jaeden created it and just happened to land in northrend and the citadel was built after. Bolvar took the crown to prevent the scourge from ravaging azeroth, not stop portals from opening to the world of the dead.


I have a feeling there will be ‘invasions’ across the old world every now and then. We kill of the scourge for a while, then they come back later on in another old zone. At the end of the expac, someone, possibly Magni? creates a new helm / object to wield them with the help of… i daren’t say.

Wouldn’t really say LK has the power of KJ + Ner’zhul it’s a bit more complicated. Probably best explained on the lore pages though.

She was never a scared little Warchief either, not sure where you’re getting that from :sweat_smile:

Not anymore. The lich king is no more! Though it seems we might meet up with Arthas on the Shadowlands. Uther and Kael’thas are also apparently going to show up.

That’s just what the government wants you to think man.

That could be pretty cool.

I wonder if Bolvar will get another attitude change though, he was acting like a bit of a douche to us before… now he needs our help?! How about an apology first Bolvar :joy:

Yet Bolvar has stated that icecrown connects this world to the next. I don’t have the exact quote though.

Well her decision to flee did cost the life of the King of Stormwind and the most honorable Warrior of Azeroth.


Dang, that got me. I still too have no Invincible to this day :confused:

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How does that make her scared? She left because the Horde was getting overrun… had she not done that they would’ve died instead.

Her decision to leave the Alliance behind to save the Horde is not that weird, is it?

I hated seeing Varian die though, but can’t blame her for that one.

Same, 324 runs and counting my buddy got it after 5 runs and my GF after 4. Dumb game.

Overrun by what some felguards? She had a pact with Varian the least she could do was lead her forces to safety and take an honorable death with her ally. How awesome would it be if they charged together and fell with Varian there. FOR AZEROTH!

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same people who claimed Sylvanas was working for the good of the Horde, now defending same Sylvanas being an omnipotent evil. They just like to lick the boots of Sylvanas, and neglect and logical arguments.


Haha you better not check the Twitter comments that WoW lately retweeted if you want to spare your passion for the game.