Sylvanas Discord Server

Good day Sylvanas.

As I could not seem to find an official Discord server for Sylvanas, I have created one and the URL is below. If there is an official server and I have missed it, then please feel free to re-direct me, thanks!

Kind regards,


Join the Sylvanas Discord Server here:
Is there still a disc server up ?:) just tried to join and saying its invalid
It seems there is none, I guess somone from a more established guild should make one in connection with other guilds. Thats teh best way for it to work.
its a shame! One would be useful
Idd, We have just transferred over from a different server, hoped i could find out where all the loves at /top guilds and all that ;p

if you know where you can direat me that would be great :D

Mist x