Sylvanas end call it

I honestly don’t care, as long as we’re rid of her for good, or a least a good couple of years.
Just like Thrall, I’ve had enough of them hogging the spot light.

Whatever happens, I’m pretty sure it won’t be satisfying at all :slight_smile:

We are all very positive about SL aren’t we ha,

Well at least Warcraft Reforged is looking great honestly when I saw the new models I was thinking just make wow2 instead the models are better then wow current look by miles.

She saves Azeroth and ascends to immortality after dismantling the Maw aka hell for good. Like a true, successful Queen and female icon she is.

we fix the maw she suffers an eternity along with saurfang, arthas, rastakhan and everyone goes home cheering :stuck_out_tongue:

Either she dies or it will be first time when hitler-like character gets a redemtion.

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Grommash? The Dark Iron? Possibly Azshara in the next raid?


With the quality of writing lately, something like this probably:

Ghost Saurfang: FOR AZEROTH!


Ghost Saurfang: NO, YOU ARE NOTHING!

Sylvanas: Turns to ashes from that “sick burn”

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I feel like this should be reposted:

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I’m getting very strong flashbacks right now, especially to how dirty they did my boy Mengsk.

mengsk was a terrible person and just like kerrigan he deserved to die

just to clarify we are talking about Arcturus Mengsk right the traitor the renegade the false emperor ?

The one and only, yeah.

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the dominion was just as corrupt if not more then the previous government and mengsk him self caused many of the problems the dominion faced

Jackal. You think you can come in here and question the Emperor?! This exchange is over.

i suppose you can play devil’s advocate and say if Mengsk was a better man he wouldn’t have abandoned kerrigan and thus there would have been no one to fight amon and everyone would have died :stuck_out_tongue:

She will try to replace or kill the Arbiter, but in the end the new Arbiter will be Bolvar and she’ll be imprisoned as the Jailer.

I strongly believe in the 3rd option. Valkyr angel or some sort of it because I feel that Valkyrs have unfinished story to them as well. Sure, they want to be free and when they are free, do they just vanish and does that mean Sylvanas will vanish as well?

9.1 raid boss (dead)

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She’ll replace the jailor and ensure that the maw is used only for the most vile of souls, like Arthas, Zul’jin, Garithos and Saurfang.

And Baine.

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