Sylvanas Loyalist RP

I’m potentially looking to transfer my dark ranger off the deadest server in EU in search of RP.

Are there any active guilds who still RP as loyal to Sylvanas that accept dark rangers? I do realise they’re in a bit of a lore black hole right now but that’s Warcraft.

Thanks :slight_smile:

For the Dark Lady.


While AD has a local and very fervent loyalist scene, it seems they have - at least ostensibly - turned around after 8.2.5. The Stygian Legion has renamed itself the Saurfang Legion, for example.

You may find it easier to RP a secret loyalist than an open one.

This. Cause openly saying your are loyalist to Sylvanas can be somewhat problematic. But I am not 100% if it is such a bad thing as a forsaken. If you are RPing your Dark Ranger I think it does go without saying they are loyal to Sylvanas?

I’d normally agree about RPing a secret loyalist, but so far I’ve not seen any examples of ‘reformed’ dark rangers. It’d be the hard sell of hard sells!

As Marlight says, Dark Rangers tend to be default loyal. What are the server’s current dark rangers doing? Just not being RP’d?

I myself can recommend The Rotgarde and Grim Gest for great loyalist RP.

However, it depends if you can call it loyalist RP as due to the events of 8.2.5 it seems loyalty to our great and glorious Dark Lady has gone underground. Who knows? Perhaps some dark secret may lurk within the stygian hearts of the Saurfang Legion.


I’ve seen hardline loyalist DRs and DRs that got disillusioned with Sylvanas and are now just trying to figure out who and what they are without her.

Also 100% listen to Tyrinar above and hop into the RG or the GG.


That’s interesting. Thank you.

I’ve been looking at the RG - I’m under the impression they are Forsaken models only due to the use of gutterspeak? Completely understandable. I am considering using my ‘free’ 120 boost to throw a Forsaken at them at high speed.

Who are the Grim Gest? And do they take dark rangers?


They do! You can read more about Grim Gest on their forum thread, here you go:


Slimy military united operating for Forsaken and blood elf interest officially, at the moment still loyal and following orders from Sylvanas loyal shady higher ups

IC people are transferred from other military units into the GG or forced into as penalty service

Yeah, we recruit dark ranger characters, too (if they are level 120)


That’s the case, yeah

Highblood Myrmidons also recruit undead elves but they’re less directly Sylvanas-themed


Sounds like a home! :smiling_imp:

I shall see about poking people. Thank you all for the help!


Indeed, i too, further recommend the Gest to join. :slight_smile:

Also you can find us all here:


This is Hungaro, but he stopped going Orgrimmar anyways.

She has not problem speaking it loud in Tarren Mill.

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Hey check your in game mail on Alynna-EarthenRing please !


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