Love it, when blizz tries to protect women by Censoring and expose men for LGBTQ+!
Incubus is a demon, so doesn’t need armour, since it can be ‘despatched’ but killed is much more difficult.
Skimpy armour on a mortal however, has some fairly obvious flaws…you’re gonna get kebabed or pincushioned, in that outfit…come at me, bikini goat.
Come and try to protect my Viera girl, biz
I must warn you though, she has a big machinist gun and fancy rapier so your protective crawling won’t last too long.
Unbelievable unfathomable level of absence of any self awareness at this point is more comical than tragical.
She has A cups already, it would be okay if they’ve made her without a top armour hehhehheh
Says the Warlock in a burqa…
I don’t think a lot of people actually know what Succubi and Incubi actually are in demonology and occultism outside of videogames where they are overtly sexualised for… reasons.
Not hard to figure out why, though.
Or y’know… that strap is simply part of the quiver or the bow holster.
she has to look fashionable when she goes before Palegos and get sentenced to revendreth to co atone with Keal’thas Sunstrider they have people there that makes garrosh and sylvanas look like alter boy and girl even rage boy could have found redemption in revendreth
this one gets so many models its hilariously telling
She looks so cool though.
Wearing clothes that cover your body isn’t censorship.
Ofc it is.
Put your bra back on dude, no one needs to see hairy dcup moobs
They don’t need to.
…but they will.
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