While the Sylvanas Novel tries to create certain links in the Shadowlands lore to try to make it look more meaningful, what I’m pondering about is why Sylvanas did not enlist the aid of the Ebon Hold. When she came back to life after making a tentative deal with the Jailer, she realized she couldn’t do this monumental task of “bringing back justice and true freedom…blah blah blah” alone. She even considered convincing and confiding the whole shabang to Saurfang at one point but thought better after testing him in a conversation before attacking Teldrassil.
But the Death Knights were also freed from the Lich King’s grasp. There was mention of it in the novel when her spies told her that DKs were back in the ranks of Alliance and Horde. However, their fate were quite familiar with Sylvanas’s, then why she didn’t think of approaching may be Darion Mograine and take him on her side. While the DK were working for the Bolvar LK, they weren’t serving him as she was hoping the same of her new-found relaionship with Zovaal. You see, so much similarities between her and the DKs, yet, it just slipped her mind???
Her relationship with the Death Knights wasn’t exactly great, especially following the whole Koltira thing, in Cataclysm and she wasn’t exactly on team Jailer until after she became warchief, with the omens coming to pass.
Besides that the DKs by that point were working for Bolvar, who was one of the few sort of in the know about what’s happening in the Shadowlands. Plus it’s not unreasonable to assume she still had lingering resentment for the Lich King, even if it’s not exactly Arthas.
Interesting. Didn’t know about that. So I did a bit of research about it myself and I found this on Wowpedia:
“After the Alliance was defeated, Sylvanas confronted Koltira about the truce with Thassarian, and scolded him for being weak. A portal to the Undercity was opened, and Koltira was pulled through by a hooked chain, where Sylvanas would attempt to purge him of his compassion for Thassarian and make him more of a servant of the Horde - more specifically, a servant of Sylvanas and the Forsaken.”
It’s an interesting piece of information. I remember freeing Koltira from the Forsaken with Thassarian but I didn’t understand why exactly Sylvanas captured him. I later found that this happens in the Western Plaguelands low level quests (one more reason why WoW should make low level questing an obligation rather than just spam dungeons to level cap).
Interestingly enough, the novel didnot mention of Sylvanas’s state of mind when she imprisoned Koltira like - what did she want to do with him? - probably make him work under her in her “big quest”? We know this happens after she meets the Jailer. This connection would have made the novel more interesting but…oh well…