In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Sylvanas in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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- Juseu, Night Elf, Rogue (later Shíven, Human, Death Knight)
- Anointed, Limited Edition
- Anointed: Barag, Roblina
- Limited Edition: Jaffar, Ingvar
That’s about all I remember unfortunately. 
Theoo - Warlock Gnome barely remember any guilds or what not but Theoo warlock gnome from sweden!
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Merrin human Priest < Shadowconclave > < Method > < iddqd >
hey Juseu!
It’s Hellkite (NE Rogue) from limited edition
How have you been? what are your plans I just started looking into finding some people that we used to play with PM me or something if you find some other people. I know some people still currently play regular WoW still (like Ryuji and sometimes Violater) also might know a way to get into contact with them using in-game private channel. hit me up dude!
Hello Im Shizo (NE rogue) with my friend Leshenjka(human warrior) we were in nemesis and mate in Anointed interested where ppl from sylvanas will play on Golemag or Shazzrah ?
Zeatrix nightelf druid (this character).
Guild: Various different guilds, but specifically Fusiøn
Looking for people in Fusiøn who may consider starting a guild again. I remember the guild leader Svinja (I think), but unfortunately not other names. That guild was the best time ever.
Its strange to see that someone remembers me dying over and over each and every night 
What up all. Hi Zeatrix, its Whoopy the drama starter. Your bound to remember me. I remember Fusion with Svinja, Darkwitch, Punish etc etc.
Since making a nuisance of myself on Sylvanas I realm switched to Raganros during TBC then switched back to Sylvanas in WOTLK.
I have Darkwitch on my Battlenet. He said Svinja doesn’t play much anymore.
If you want Darkwitch’s bnet address let me know.
Hi Shiven. Rob & Mspiggy kept Anointed up and running up until Cata but then it all got disbanded I think.
Jaffar, NE Rogue - also Limited Edition 
I remember Alveglad, Oystein, Loonyx, Ingvar, Juseu, Ryuji, Violater…
Think I remember you. Dueled outside IF much?
Just reserved Whoopy on Pyrewood, Shazzrah and Golemagg.
Everyone list which servers you have your classic level 60 main reserved as.
Hey guys!
Went by Pico back before the server went kaputt.
Paladin in Anemos, Nemesis and Rinse to name a few guilds.
You’ll find me on Zandalar Tribe this time around.
Would love to hear from anyone who was around back then.
Hope life has treated you all well!
Ah I definitely remember the name Corvex, we healed many raids together. I hope life has treated you well! Best of luck with your guild 
Hi Whoopy, I think I remember you, although not for any drama. Unless you were the guy bubble-HS’ing in Org while spamming yell and emotes. I remember some unpopular pala who did this rather often

I’m starting a character on Shazzrah, but I may change to Pyrewood Village if it’s going to be a constant gankfest. It’s definitely going to be one of those servers.
Am afraid that was me. I loved getting reck stacks and then 1 shotting horde and hiding. I then yelled Kek in chat. Was hilarious playing hide and seek with triggered hordes. But my favourite lame tactic was trying to reck bomb Vurtne. He never featured me in any of his videos. I think he hated me.
To jog your memory you may remember Svinja going mad at me around Naxx time when I priced fixed AH for every arcane crystal. Charged people like x3 times as much.
I left guild when Svinja and other people where idolising some Girl and she got raid spot from the drop of a hat. I nerd raged and quit Fusion because of it.
But anyway. I’ll probably choose whatever server Kendo (Steven) is going on. That is when he replies to me on Battlenet.
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• Name: Damor, Human Warrior
• Guild: Lang Ned Duath, Eternity,
• Players I played with in classic: Kins, Tikki, Todo, Silverbane, Asland, Bloster, Nemii,
< Rinse >
With Pokerface, Kupo, Southy, Ludivine, Celzstar, Smiskarinnan, Qyng, Mop etc.