Sylvanas - Saurfang - For whom will you stand up in new Q ?

Laughs in uncompromised faction identity

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What’re we, chopped liver? We used Void entities to raise sacred beasts from the dead just to traumatize the survivors of the rampage! That’s gotta be at least somewhat compromising.

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Ssssh… not so loud!
We are the good guys

Rather than true necromancy it’s more magical bone puppetry, which kinda cancels out the unethical element of enslaving a dead soul. Besides, the Alliance has never cared about troll-values.


I mean, I’d argue that “magical bone puppetry” pretty much describes a lot of necromancy, but it’s true that the dinosaur’s own actual soul wasn’t directly affected, beyond what screwing with its remains in such a way would probably do to its eternal rest.

Still. Stuffing Void things into skeletons just for the sake of carnage and terror, it’s a little edgy, at least.

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Speaking of witch… there is that island sized skeleton we could use next time, Xibala… Rezan’s mom
THAT would be edgy… a little

Nobody takes the Void Elves seriously. In contrast, Sylvanas is the second coming of the Lich King, and leads one of the two most powerful factions on the planet.

Okay, thast just mean! You broke my heart!
No glowing green cookies for you young lady!

Martok was already annoyed with Banshee Queen. She wanted to burn stuff and Martok had already switched to frost spec!
Martok not going to change specs now! He likes freezing stuff. Saurfang was chill to let Martok use icicles! So Martok follow Saurfang now. :stuck_out_tongue:


Sylvanas. At least on this character. Not sure an undead going any other way is plausible.

Kotur has no respect for Sylvanas as to him, she is dragging his people into darkness, but he dislikes Saurfang’s cowardice as well. However, if he had to chose, he would chose Saurfang as he at least wishes to preserve the old ways, rather than making the entire Horde a bunch of monsters.

But in the end, his support means little as long as his people are under Sylvanas and so all he can do is fight to keep them safe from the ruthless warchief’s wrath. But if the high chieftain Mayla gives the green light to join Saurfang, he would gladly do so.

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House of Royale Darklore stands with High Overlord!

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I at first wanted to start explaining with from an IC point of view, Sylvanas would look far less evil then from an OOC point of view, which could be argued to be all-seeing.

Say, for the normal orc blacksmith or blood elven bard, she’s just fighting a war with more extreme methods then usual.

People followed Garrosh too, and he treated his people far, far worse then Sylvanas does, literally ordering his soldiers to murder and steal from random citizens.

Compared ot that, Sylvanas is a benevolent ruler. She’s just fighting the Alliance, who, from a Horde citizen’s point of view is the enemy.

I was, at first gonna bring up a whole lot mroe points, but I know Sylvanas is so universally hated throughout the playerbase that I’m gonna get a lot of crap for even this; so I see no reason for it.

I’ll jsut say… your characters’ views shouldn’t reflect yours and they shouldn’t know everything, definitely not highly secretive missions the Horde’s most elite get to go on.

That’s pretty much the case already. She cannot defend the horde in good conscience as it has become all that she hates and fears nor can she defect and even consider killing her own people unless the regent lord truly betrays the living and the dead in support of the warchief. In such a case, Lor’themar must be cast down, his followers deserving no sympathy.

Her priorities lie with Quel’Thalas and the weight of the moral implications of becoming the new scourge. The horde as such is dead to her insofar as it counts as an ally. Even if its leadership is replaced in another rebellion or coup, the damage is done.

They probably taste like squirrel suffering anyway.

Funnily enough, that’s exactly the state that lead some Elves to join what was at the time an exile group. Now they’ve thrown their lot in with the Alliance. Guess it’s a slippery slope from “Okay, I’m done with this Horde.” to “Y’know, blue does look good on me.”

More or less. Being exiled helps the motivation along but Marinya still has a nugget of faith in the regent lord to steer things onto the right track. There’s also the issue of being an elf. Is the political turbulence of a few years and a world at war worth a lifetime of exile and supposed betrayal? That argument has less weight with the circumstances.

Life has moved quicky, horrid tragedies have struck in the blink of an eye, alliances made with former foes, with blood oaths no less, while warring on old allies and civil war chewing at the heart of the elven people. She will not sacrifice her principles and let a new era of undeath be built on the willing participation of her people in mockery of the murdered thousands in the dead scar. There comes a point at which rebellion isn’t a difficult choice but an obligation.

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I choose to stand up for Baine and Saurfang. The Horde has lost its soul, we need to reset things back to Thrall’s Horde.


Pssst! Bull-boy! Over here! Heard you saying the Horde lost its soul… I have a few to spare. What kind of soul do you want? Just name it! Rebuilding Gilneas needs all the gold you could spare, mate!

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