Hello everyone!
There are many characters and each of them has different settings in the “Options” menu tab, when changing somewhere these parameters are all the same, some are not.
How can these parameters be made the same on all characters?
The /run SetCVar(‘synchronizeSettings’, 0) option no longer works.
The CVar synchronizeSettings was removed as far as i’m aware. Also /run SetCVar(‘synchronizeSettings’, 0) would of diabled the sync not enabled it.
Settings under options are saved server side and they should stay the same for all characters. There are some exceptions, where some settings are character specific however like auto looting, the raid/party frame settings. I’m not sure if there is a way to sync them, at least not without the aid of an addon.
Can you imagine when for almost 20 years you have 13 characters and each one has something different in the game and it’s not clear where these settings are…