Hi all,
Synergy has been built out of IRL friends, we have historically raided heroic content, achieving all Ahead of The Curve’s through Legion however are now pushing in to mythic on a 2 day a week schedule. We try to balance the social aspects with raiding and have had full guild meet ups for 3 consecutive years, with many more smaller meet up’s such as Christmas and New Year.
There is also a interest in mythic plus within the guild, with groups pushing towards +15’s and up!
The raiding schedule we follow is 2 raids per week, Monday and Wednesday, starting at 20:00 Server Time, ending at 23:00 Server Time. We are looking specifically for ranged DPS; mages, hunter and warlocks, but all are welcome
Thanks for reading, if you think we may be for you, or if you have any questions just ask here or add any of the below on RealID
GM: Blyffee - Blyfee33#1118
RL: Astrallax - Inquisitor#22843
Officers: Prydaz - DoomShroom#2802 & Brewsamdi - SgtMittens#1243