So a while back the seal twisters whined and moaned for 50 years until exo was nerfed. And then it turned out that post nerf exo is now over 10% dps behind in the best case scenario
vs undead 0 extra targets.
And over 30% behind if the target is not undead.
Maybe undo the nerf to the t2,5 4 set and set it back to 40%?
I think they did that on purpose. They don’t want Exo to be better than seal twisting given how the paladin community (at least the most vocal part of the community) wants twisting to be the optimal spec.
Did you even read it though? Its not about it being better it would still be behind by 5-6% even if the nerf was reverted inside nax and still over 25% outside nax.
Edit: okay he isn’t reading or trolling. 5% is a significant margin and is pure single target. Exo suffers hugely on every added target upto 5 due to divine storm with fast weapon. And this is ONLY vs undead. On undead it’s over 25% below pure single target. and this only if the nerf is reverted.
No chance anyone in their right minds think playing seal twisting even if played flawed would be beat by exo.
They need to deside if paladins should have 3 dps specs or not. My personal thoughts is that we should remove the possebilety to twist and figure out how to ret should work. I can live whit us have a tank, heal and chockadin, but they need to deside if ret should playe whit a fast or slow weapond.