Do you need more proof Blizzard?
When one of the best raid guilds (according to the world first), is saying a class is useless, it’s most likely true.
This is even after the 5% buff.
Do you need more proof Blizzard?
When one of the best raid guilds (according to the world first), is saying a class is useless, it’s most likely true.
This is even after the 5% buff.
Havoc is not trash, its pretty decent, just need some tweaking like they doing.
If you need a random idiot to throw trash on a class to reroll, just delete your demon hunter.we will be better
It’s trash. We can now actually confirm with no random BFA borrowed power bull, just how bad the base of Havoc is, on top of being overnerfed by Blizzard. It’s just so bad.
If Blizzard doesn’t buff or rework it by 16th Jan when my sub expires, I’m outta here.
I mean there is no need to beat around the bush, even if you love the spec. Havoc is trash, unless your guild is nice and chill there is no reason to bring one to raids with how pathetic our damage output is while vengeance is doing great so they just need to bring one as one of the tanks to get chaos brand.
In m+ it’s bad aswell. In pvp it’s a complete joke unless you have the hunt which may give you a kill once ever 1.5 min, but that got nerfed aswell.
If you need a random idiot to throw trash on a class to reroll, just delete your demon hunter.we will be better
I would not exactly call Tagzz a random idiot, I mean he is quite well known, and a very established player in WoW, but you can always choose to be ignorant
Havoc IS in a very bad spot, we can’t compete when it comes to single-target damage, as we are by fact, the worst class for single-target.
Lol mate it’s 1000 DPS behind Boomkin with the same gear.
Yeh dh is trash… leveling uh dk atm
But if you always level the top dog you will get nerfed again. I will stay as DH and wait for the buffs.
Who’s ‘we’ ?
Your only raid progress is LFR. Who are you to talk about ‘we’ ?
DH is undeniably undertuned. It needs a 15% buff so it can actually compete.
I actually only read from people that do the lowest of casual content that DH is “fine”, and not even all of them claim so.
Stats and Logs showcase a way different melody though.
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