I would like to thank Tahra for all the lols and valuable contributions to forums especially treads regarding covenants. In a way to show my appreciation i would like to help Tahra (if she accepts) to achieve Ahead Of The Curve and a timed M+ 15. Everyone that also appreciates her the same way i do is also welcome to help me help her get AotC and a +15 timed.
I’ll tank. Crustymuffin-Stormrage.
I am beyond honored. But I’ll have to decline your offer.
I have no desire for AotC and even less desire to do a M+ 15.
I do not enjoy said activities.
The offer IS greatly appreciated though.
Take some people along who actually would love that sort of experience.
Make this into a social thing! That’d be great.
There already is a community getting people the drake multiple times a week. Been there since WoD. This one was supposed to be special
And could give you a glimpse of how we experience the game without being too demanding.
Aww. Well, sorry to disappoint.
I just genuinely don’t care for that type of content. And frankly; me participating in it would make me feel like a hypocrit.
Even if someone would offer me to go along on a world first, I would respectfully decline. I’m happy in my little nook in WoW.
It is a shame that Tahra, for as deserving as she is, gets this thread and I don’t. I think I’ve put a lot more effort and deserve this recognition. Also Tahra seems unironically very nice, unlike me.
To put it bluntly, despite how obscure and abstract Tahra’s views seem to me, they’ve been entertaining. Yours gave a migrane.
OMG you toxic troll stop hijacking Tahra’s tread of aprreciation.
How about a fundraiser to buy Tahra some shoes?
She will get shoes from the raid silly. We can armor stack. For tahra.
No gladiator? what are you, a casual?
Carry Tahra to rank1 in arena too.
Eh not my cup of tea, but i am glad you are here. I know you are one of her biggest fans out here.
Paladin is horde and 90k echoes for 9 x IS3 is more grind than I’m willing to put myself through. You’re welcome to try.
Edit: Also @Tahra, giving something a chance =/= hypocrite.
I guessssss. But it’s not like I haven’t done that content ever.
I’ve done progression raiding in early WoW days and I’ve tagged along (much against my own will) with some friends/guildies to a M+15 during Legion.
Suffice to say; I’m not just ‘saying’ I don’t like that content. I truly don’t like that content.
However, drinks for everyone here! Even Bigkeg.
Given the name I’d say especially Bigkeg
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