Tahra appreciation tread

I would like to thank Tahra for all the lols and valuable contributions to forums especially treads regarding covenants. In a way to show my appreciation i would like to help Tahra (if she accepts) to achieve Ahead Of The Curve and a timed M+ 15. Everyone that also appreciates her the same way i do is also welcome to help me help her get AotC and a +15 timed.


I’ll tank. Crustymuffin-Stormrage.

I am beyond honored. But I’ll have to decline your offer.
I have no desire for AotC and even less desire to do a M+ 15.
I do not enjoy said activities.

The offer IS greatly appreciated though.
Take some people along who actually would love that sort of experience.
Make this into a social thing! That’d be great.


There already is a community getting people the drake multiple times a week. Been there since WoD. This one was supposed to be special :frowning:
And could give you a glimpse of how we experience the game without being too demanding.

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Aww. Well, sorry to disappoint.

I just genuinely don’t care for that type of content. And frankly; me participating in it would make me feel like a hypocrit. :crazy_face:

Even if someone would offer me to go along on a world first, I would respectfully decline. I’m happy in my little nook in WoW. :blush:

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It is a shame that Tahra, for as deserving as she is, gets this thread and I don’t. I think I’ve put a lot more effort and deserve this recognition. Also Tahra seems unironically very nice, unlike me.

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To put it bluntly, despite how obscure and abstract Tahra’s views seem to me, they’ve been entertaining. Yours gave a migrane.

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OMG you toxic troll stop hijacking Tahra’s tread of aprreciation.


How about a fundraiser to buy Tahra some shoes?


She will get shoes from the raid silly. We can armor stack. For tahra.

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No gladiator? what are you, a casual? :smiley:

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Carry Tahra to rank1 in arena too.

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Eh not my cup of tea, but i am glad you are here. I know you are one of her biggest fans out here.

Paladin is horde and 90k echoes for 9 x IS3 is more grind than I’m willing to put myself through. You’re welcome to try.

Edit: Also @Tahra, giving something a chance =/= hypocrite.

I guessssss. But it’s not like I haven’t done that content ever.
I’ve done progression raiding in early WoW days and I’ve tagged along (much against my own will) with some friends/guildies to a M+15 during Legion.

Suffice to say; I’m not just ‘saying’ I don’t like that content. I truly don’t like that content. :innocent:

However, drinks for everyone here! Even Bigkeg. :milk_glass: :coffee: :tea: :wine_glass: :cocktail: :tropical_drink: :beer: :tumbler_glass: :cup_with_straw:

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Given the name I’d say especially Bigkeg


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