Taivan and Leftovers revenge achievement

Hi there
Starting on EU after leaving NA where i got Taivan, i realised how impossible it is to get Legendary Feast for Leftovers revenge achievement…
I made characters on high pop servers, no success, only a handful of people showing up. I made groups in LFG, no success either…
I wish it’d be nerfed or something or removed from taivan list maybe

Have you tried the Achievements Discord? People there organize groups.

For example, I see

On Saturday 29th March between the hours of 12 and 8pm a group will be forming to do LEFTOVERS REVENGE. We currently have about 12/20 ppl on various forums on discord, fb etc that are joining. Add me: Speekingtree#2368

Oh i havent, thank you so much for the information <3