Take the Lead in Follower Dungeons

Probably. Haven’t tried solo. A friend and I two-manned Halls of Infusion so I’m able to do the Tyr story now (just did the bit where I recruited some new Tyr’s Guard).
It was ok, a few wipes to mechanics (we didn’t look at guides etc we just ran in and started hitting stuff).

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This one in particluar as it’s really bugged me that they put the end behind a dungeon. They’ve not done that before that I can remember. I did try it solo a few months ago. I did not survive :smiley:

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Bastion main campaign had a dungeon quest.
Revendreth Sojourner had one too, soloed that on my warlock a few months back.
BFA had dungeon quests in the Alliance War Campaign, Siege of Boralas was one.
Order Hall campaigns in Legion had dungeon quests.

And every time there are complaints on the forums and in Wowhead comments.
I guess they must have seen some stats on how many players had finished the O’Hanrahan Sojourner and were wondering why all the other Sojourners were finished but that one had a lot fewer done. So they decided it was time for AI dungeons.

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Oh I’d forgotten Bastion. I did actually do that dungeon at the time because there was stuff gated behind it and I hated every minute of it. I don’t think I’ve done a group one since.

Haven’t had time to do Revendreth yet … don’t remember doing one in BFA. I may have done the odd one in Legion as I wasn’t quite so hung up about them then and people seemed more forgiving of stupidity (mine, not theirs).

I hope this is not a sticky plaster to stop an arterial wound and is the start of something bigger. I’d like to see it expanded to older content and not just from content from now on.

Expanded to heroic, possibly, season after season.

But I would say it not should be in Mythic, at least not Mythic key runs.

Basic mythic possibly, but not Mplus.

Raids. Again. The main problem with raids is that the devs have seemingly decided to stop making old content raids from legion and onward soloable.

So from a transmog collecting viewpoint, I’d also like to see some form of NPC help in older raids if nothing else to get pastmecahnics that really should have been removed a long time ago.

Otherwise my suspicion that Blizzard’s creepy fascination with playing “friend finder” much like Facebook does with “People You may Know”, (ie… you don’t.) will carry on.


This is fantastic, GJ Blizz now I can appreciate the Dungeon and the music without people rushing and getting everyone killed.


I wont want to see this added to Mythic dungeons or M+ for that matter. Though for HC I would like to see this added after every season 1. That’s when HC becomes less sought after.

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Great for olds like me that solo play. It will get me used to dungeons again. I’ve not been in one for years and years.


Gave it a try on the PTR. It’s not 100% foolproof, but it does get you through the dungeon. You may see some characters employing several tricks, like the tank doing a cornerpull. My HealAI kept jumping around the place a lot though, just like any annoying player would.

The vast majority of us can agree that the way story is delivered in retail WoW is an absolute mess.

But if they made it so the ability to insta-queue for Dungeons was only unlocked after one completed it “manually” (finishing whichever quest chain leads up to it, physically going to the dungeon, then beating it), it would go a long way in terms of cleaning up problems with the disjointed story delivery.

The introduction of the Follower Dungeon feature would provide the perfect opportunity to implement this but, sadly, to the best of knowledge, Blizzard isn’t going that route.

Another option Follower Dungeons open up, which I think Blizzard should seize on, is to allow players the ability to play with our account alts via the Warbands feature.

This I do think they will get around to, though.

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This is going to be great! No more listening to players moaning and groaning about why the group got wiped. Or blaming everyone else for the wipe but them selves. It is going to be so nice to be able to do dungeons at my own pace without having to be rushed all the time. But the real icing on the cake is for solo players like myself to once more enjoy doing dungeons


This is by far the thing I look forward to the most. This has the potential to completly change the way I play the game. I just hope it will be loved by the community and extended to all levels of difficulty.


I’m very much looking forward to this too. Will be great to do the dungeons quests, and experiment and learn on some of my characters :slight_smile:


now do this with lfr difficulty and put normal raids on queue , thank you


I think this is to test the waters, see how well it goes.

They might expand on it later.


In truth, on a fresh 70 - You dont even need anything else other than the Amirdrassil story questline. You can go immediately to the Emerald Dream as soon as you hit 70

The entire questline can be soloed on a fresh 70. All the main quests and the side quests takes about 5 hours if you’re using a quest skipper. By the end of it, if you complete the weekly stuff aswell - All the gear, flightstones and crests you get puts you at about 440 ilvl on a fresh toon. Thats ready for normal Amirdrassil and to go into M+!

Im currently on my 8th alt doing this very process.


But surely skipping the quests and rushing through the game just to get to level 440 defeats the whole idea of the game? You are missing so much of the fun, exploration and the adventure that the game presents along the way. In my mind having so many alt’s and feeling the need to get them all to level 440 ASP is boring because you are repeating the same scenario’s after the first alt over and over again. As the Pandaren’s say “Slow down. Life is to be savored”


It really does not. Not the whole of it, at least. The game isn’t only about levelling, there’s plenty to do even when You have max level and decent gear.

How can You be so sure about that? Plaguefist only wrote about alts - maybe he had all the fun, did all the exploration and adventuring on his main?

It’s like, Your opinion man. Plaguefist didn’t write anything about “needing” that. For some people playing only one character is boring, they want to try different classes with different playstyles. For that, they need max level alts. Repetition doesn’t necessarily make something boring. People keep dong the same dungeons or raids for hours, yet many of them like it.

Yes, and game is to be enjoyed. And who are we to tell other players, how they should enjoy their game? Plaguefist does what he does for his own enjoyment. And he does it in solo content to boot. Why call him out on this?

Fun is subjective. A lot of players don’t enjoy levelling and just see it as a means to an end. They want to play what is classed as end game.


Anyone else see the irony here?? “Here’s content you can now play alone in our MMORPG”

Why do Blizz constantly try to make more and more of this game solo based instead of actually trying to encourage people to group and punishing people for toxic behaviour?? All this is for is for new players and lets be honest that this is not going to be too useful to them as unless the boss mechanics are perfectly explained to them by the AI they are still going to die as soon as the key levels or until they start branching into harder content and probably still get flamed by some toxic person…