Take the Lead in Follower Dungeons

I’m confused with this. I just recently got this toon to level 60. Went to try out this feature and none of the selection boxes come up. I have other alts. A level 63 paladin, no problems there. Then I tried my level 63 shaman. comes up blank.

I have done the starting quest for the dragon isles. Hoping that was going to help. But no.

Any ideas?

You need 180ilevel.


Thank you. That makes sense.


As someone who enjoys collecting mogs, this will be interesting to try out.

This is brilliant! I would love this for raids as well, so that locking story behind them will no longer be a problem!


I’m surprised how “smart” the AI is, I couldn’t tell if they actually use hidden abilities to reduce incoming damage and such or they receive a reduced amount, at least when you are not playing healer.

If you pull ahead as a tank, rest will randomly get stuck behind you, half an instance away whenpull several groups at once. The same way AI tank won’t run ahead a chain pull if you don’t physically walk back next to them.

Robot tank probably did too good of a job at holding aggro and if this is to become some kind of a learning experience and not just tool to assist social anxious players, a lot of things need to change. I didn’t notice the situation with interrupts and dispels but npcs shouldn’t initiate it at all if you didn’t click yours in some kind of a short time frame - it is good that they follow up if yours is on cooldown but not when they carry you fully.

All in all, expect at least double to triple the time spent in a dungeon compared to playing with humans.

Not the worst thing that has been implemented, but it requires some work. This needs to be meaningful experience, it could be tuned much higher without becoming hard.

In future if you decide to pursue this at a higher difficulty, healers could use some kind of a mechanic to indicate they are ready for the pull, without having to suffer the speed and pace of pulling decided by the tank. Something subtle, such as JUMPING could let the tank AI know they can keep going.

Possibility of some bonus audio when there is something to dispel or interrupt? Small ding maybe, whatever will help new players that might be looking at their action bars rather when the action is.

Well if you want ot play a game solo why play a game thats specifically designed (initially designed) for Multiplayer Interactions, I bet Blizzard in 2004 say "Well lets make this game Single Player did they ?? ". I am aware that they have catered to the solo playerbase with more and more of the game becomign “Solo” friendly.

And I can spot sarcasm when I see it, Whatever happened to Group Quests (Anyone remember Durn the Hungerer in Nagrands in TBC) I feel that so much of the actual game they spend months working on is consumed so fast by the playerbase today because it,s too easy

Outside of raid content and M+ the content is so easy and requires no groups for any of it, Except the “cheesy” Superbloom event I guess if you want max reward I guess this is today’s equivalent of “Outworld Group Content” bit like Timeless Isle from MoP, Which the systems behind that have been overused to death.

“Wow new patch, New Currency to grind, New Rares to farm, New Rep to grind” this is basically every “NEW” patch.

And for those farming transmogs using this system, How is this exactly going to work, Most upto date patches with their “alt catch-up” systems will allow you to outgear Normal versions of these dungeons anyway, So what purpose is this “Follower” group going to serve other than help an overgeared player through an undergeared dungeon?

They may as well go the whole way and have a AI System to allow solo players to do Mythic Raids.

My prediction for the future will be that solo players will be able to go out and farm gear for their “followers” to allow them to do higher and higher content and you,ll be able to grind follower levels bit like the Garrison Tables but this time to allow you to do actual game content solo.

I remember that quest, it used to give a decent weapon so I remember getting some friends to help me with it.

Those quests were fine for the first month of an expansion (maybe a bit less) when players were around. Later on when most players were already max level running end game and you got one of these quests you were stuck unless you were in a guild and could request help from folk (that happened to be on and not busy in a dungeon or whatever).

The game has always been a mix of solo content and group content. It still is.
Raiding is the pinnacle of pve content and mythic the peak of raiding.
Back in Vanilla (when I started playing) questing was generally a solo activity. Professions are a solo activity. Exploring the world could be done solo.

Love the Follower Dungeons! Me and my GF haven’t set foot in a dungeon for so long, guild collapses, bad pugs, toxic players we’ve had it all and just decided not to bother anymore. Well we both tried them last night and loved it, was good to see her playing a dungeon getting the quests done without her worrying people would kick her for not being a great player.
2 Thumbs up Blizz would run with Captain Leeroy Garrick again! :smiley:


The exp is terrible, but worse no loot from bosses, for 3 days now no loot, how are we supposed to gear up?

I am one of those casuals that quit running dungeons and raids because of the toxic, was really looking forward to this way of running, figured when i know the mechanics i can try healing or tanking, what a disappointment this is

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