Totems have been hinderance of the class for so long. We get worse version of spells as totem when we get it.
They usually come with downside but never upside. Which is never the case for any class. Even when other classes get a similar version of totems, they instantly become better since they are NOT totems.
So… since they come with heavy downsides. They need an edge to be fun-to-use abilities.
Grounding totem already HAVE TO be off of gcd.
Overall, totems’ impact is very low. They feel like chores during the combat. I doubt any other class would whine about it (totems being off of gcd) even in pvp.
If it’s too much. There are options like making them invoke gcd but not be affected by other ablities’ gcd or make them have their own gcd between totems etc.
Try it for totemic hero talents maybe? To see if it’s a gamebreaker (lol)?